Slain Dallas Cop Might’ve Been A White Supremacist: Still A Hero?

Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2016 09:20 pm
You throw the word racism and text book around and give it your own personal meaning.

Racism is when one group denounces another group because of certain traits and views that group as inferior.

So if some blacks feel that other blacks like those in BLM are inferior to them or vice versa everybody's a racist.

You assume that normal black folk denounce BLM and that BLM are ignorant racists.

You are making some grandiose pronouncements in what appears to be a very arbitrary fashion.

How is it as an Italian you are speaking for all different groups of black people?

Seems to me that you have a problem identifying a black man as black...is there something in your mind wrong with being black? Your white guilt is showing me thinks.

Problem is, as I have always said, if they can't get past the fact that they are black then no one else will either.

Why can you denounce BLM but have a problem with normal blacks doing it?

Your reasoning is all over the map.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 04:25 am
Not racist, and I love the U.S. I don't think the US is terrorist. I don't believe I am oppressed. I live here because I believe this is the best country in the world to live in. Why the hell do you if you think we are such a bad country?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 04:39 am
To clarify my reasoning, I believe that each individual, regardless of color or gender, should be judged based on their actions, not color or gender. Not just blacks, but everyone. Joining a group like BLM is an action. That tells me you support or engage in violent racist actions particularly against people who are white. Therefore, I hate people who join this group, because they have made a decision to join a group of violent racist pricks. The problem isn't "blacks" though, the problem is "Black Lives Matter". I'm not going to judge colors, but I will judge the stupid **** people do. Like joining a hate group.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 05:14 am
Notice you are calling me a racist because I want the black community to denounce BLM...Rabell is calling you a racist cuz you support Blue lives matter. People are calling trump a racist cuz he wants to deport criminal aliens but in 1995 Bill Clinton said the same thing in his state of the union address. So I guess everyone is a racist no matter what you say or do. But you owe an apology for the hateful way you have thrown the term around. Stop being such a race pimp...in that regard you are no better than BLM.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 05:20 am
That tells me you support or engage in violent racist actions particularly against people who are white.

But that is a dirty rotten lie - a terrible misconception at best, one that does not derive from the facts. So everything was hunky dory with you until BLM showed up? Haven't heard you condemn tRump's racist minions yet. Your problem with racists seems to begin and end with your misconception of what BLM is all about.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 05:26 am
How far into other people's fundament do you go before you find yours bobsal?

I only need to look at your nose.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:34 am

US Defense Watch
News, Opinion and Analysis on: US Defense issues and Politics

BLM: America’s Nazi Brown Shirts
By Joe Ragonese

“There’s a white man,” shouted the African-American woman, “kill him.” “Kill him, let’s get him, kill the white piece of sh–,” the black mob replied. They chased him down like a pack of wild dogs, in this case the man was a reporter for a local newspaper. When he was surrounded, the mob began to punch the luckless man until he fell to the ground. Once on the ground, the crowd proceeded to kick at the prostrate figure. “There’s another whitey,” screeched a second black woman, while pointing at a white woman, she was a reporter for a local news channel; “kill the white bit–, kill her, kill her.” The crowd stopped pummeling the hapless man and ran toward the white woman. She ran away. A white photographer became the mob’s next target. Throughout the night shots rang out and businesses burned, as the black citizens from throughout the community looted every business in sight. As the thugs rampaged through the streets the mob chanted, “What do we want, dead cops; when do we want it, now.” Their motives for the firestorm were crystal clear, they wanted to hurt police officers.

This may sound like the opening paragraph of a fiction novel; however, it happened on the evening of August 13, 2016 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The next day, spurred on by members of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the Revolutionary Communist Party, a second day of protest were planned and held. The mostly black protesters marched to a district police station and stood, their hands held above their heads, trying to reinforce the BLM lie, hands up-don’t shoot.

As the afternoon turned into evening, the riots resumed. Gunshots again rang out, wounding one man in the crowd. Police were forced to use an armored car (one of those militarized vehicles that President Obama wants local police to return to the federal government) to go into the riotous mob to recover the injured man. He was a member of the protesting mob, shouting at the police because he bought into the BLM lie that the police are hunting and killing black men at will. The bullet that nicked his neck was shot by a fellow BLM protester. No one in the crowd tried to help him. As usual, it fell to the police to risk life and limb going into the angry and unruly mob to remove the wounded man, then return through the rioters to bring him to medical assistance. Throughout the evening police were forced to dodge rocks and bottles; as well as bullets, hurled at them by the thugs who badly outnumbered them.

That evening also saw the sister of Sylville Smith urge the rioters to leave their neighborhood and go to the white suburbs to rape, loot, burn and kill there. This was not widely reported in the main stream media. Who is Sylville Smith, and what does his sister, Sherelle Smith, have to do with this, you may be asking? Sylville Smith is the 23 year old black man who pointed a stolen, loaded pistol at Milwaukee Police Officer Dominiue Heaggan-Brown. Officer Heaggan-Brown is also African-American. In order to save his own life, officer Heaggan-Brown shot and killed Smith. Heaggan-Brown was wearing a body camera throughout the chase with Smith, and caught on camera the man turning and pointing the pistol at the police officer. Smith would have not hesitated killing Heaggan-Brown. An autopsy showed that Smith was killed with one bullet to the chest and one in the arm, which is consistent with the police version of the killing of the black criminal.

The truth was irrelevant to BLM, who immediately organized a social media campaign urging their members to meet at Sherman and Auer Streets, where the black crowd set fire to a BP Gas Station they didn’t like because non-blacks owned it. Of course, the rioters turned into looters, taking everything off of the shelves before setting the gas station on fire. As Milwaukee Fire Department trucks responded, shots rang out, preventing fire fighters from extinguishing the flames. Police and firefighters bore the brunt of rocks, bottles and gunshots directed at them. The riots ended the third night, after a curfew was placed in effect; but the template for BLM had been fully cemented. More incidents like this will follow. It is how radical, totalitarian movements are born.

Make no mistake, BLM is at the forefront of a radical leftist takeover of America, in concert with the Democratic Party, who want to turn America into a Marxist nation, run by a political class of tyrants. You don’t believe it, just try to refuse making a cake for a gay wedding and see what happens. In Washington State, one business owner was fined out of business, by the state, for doing just that. Eight years ago something like that happening was unthinkable. Eight years ago Christians had rights, too. Now they do not. Just eight years ago – hard to believe; right. In a short eight years, under the control of Barack Obama, with a press who is in lockstep with him, everything that America stood for has disappeared.

Retrace the past eight years, gays and women in the military, gay marriage, removing by executive fiat the Defense of Marriage Act, signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, and its removal from law canonized by an Obama-inspired Supreme Court in 2013. (I know there were more justices appointed by conservatives on the court then, but Head Justice John Roberts doesn’t seem to be able to stand up to Obama and Anthony Kennedy has just as weak a spine in important matters of the constitution.) The Defense of Marriage ruling is just one of the failures of this court. God help us if Hillary appoints the next three or four justices.

Ten years ago, 2006, a politician couldn’t be elected to office if he said he favored gay marriage, today, he can’t get elected to office if he says he is against it. But gay marriage isn’t the only social upheaval that has changed the character of America. Women’s rights and black lives trump men’s and white lives. If you are a white male, in the majority of America, you are a second class citizen. Eight years ago that wasn’t the case. Eight years ago you could speak truthfully about reverse discrimination. You know when a white person is denied entry into a college because he or she is white (this also applies to Asians). Affirmative action is the rule of the land now, just when it was fading away where it belonged, it has risen from the grave under the guidance of Barack Obama. Christianity is under attack, we are not allowed to believe in the Bible, and if we do we are racist, homophobic, sexist and any other expletive the left wishes to throw at us. The list goes on and on, this writer is sure that you can think of hundreds of examples of extreme social change over the past eight years.

The span of eight years may seem like a blink of an eye, but Adolf Hitler achieved total control of Germany in that length of time. In 1920’s Germany, the Nazi Party used tactics just like BLM to deal with political opponents. Adolf Hitler was a gifted speaker who convinced many Germans that all of their problems were caused by Jews and communists. He reinforced those beliefs with a goon squad, the S.A. (Sturm Abteilung) known as the ‘brown shirts’ to the world. The brown shirts were the BLM movement of Germany at that time. Like Hitler’s Nazis, the American BLM movement bases its philosophy on race. The name of the cause says it all, Black Lives Matter; implying that no other life, race or people deserve to live. Its core value is the grievance of being targeted by the police; which is as ridiculous as Jews causing the German people all of their problems. Yet both believed that they were victims of some nefarious plot against them.

Both used violence to be heard, bullied people to fall into line, and silenced critics. In November, 1923, Adolf Hitler went to jail for an attempted coup against the German Government, known as the Beer Hall Putsch. He and his brown shirted goons, got into a shootout with the police, while trying to overthrow the German Government, which Hitler told his followers was full of Jews. He was sentenced to five years in prison for high treason, yet only served nine months of that time. After his release, he returned as the head of the National Socialist Party, known as the Nazi Party, and remarkably, only eight years later, through violence inflicted upon the opposition by the brown shirts, he achieved total power. The brown shirts boldly went into meeting halls and broke up any opposition meetings or rallies, kind of like what has happened at Trump events. These violent disruptions of the opposition were not reported or under reported by a press corps that was in lockstep with Hitler, hiding all of his flaws and the folly of his ideas. He was voted into power in 1932. Yes, that is right, just eight years later. Sound familiar? He was named Chancellor. A year later the President, Paul Von Hindenburg, died in office and Hitler was appointed Chancellor and President. As supreme dictator he led his nation into World War II.

In BLM, a charismatic leader, like Hitler, has not emerged. But, it is following the lead of the brown shirts by using intimidation, bullying and capricious violence to get its way. I was in Chicago when they completely shut down a Donald Trump event. I saw the coverage, on Fox News, and only Fox News, because the main stream media is in lockstep with the Democratic Party and refuses to show what is really happening, like women being attacked at a Trump event in California. In Detroit, BLM infiltrated a Trump speech and tried, unsuccessfully because Trump knows how to deal with thugs, to disrupt it.

BLM is the brown shirted thugs of the radical left.

BLM members aren’t very bright. They are being used by the radical left to fulfill their goals of a Marxist America, but don’t have a clue of that. The reason that we cannot mention black on black crime is that it is very good for the left. All of the killing and mayhem in the inner cities plays right into the left’s plans to disarm us by creating an atmosphere of violence that only they can control; if only we are reasonable and give up our guns. Yeah, right. Adolf Hitler said the same thing. Among the first things that he did after gaining total control was to disarm Germans. In fact, although almost unknown, the 1968 Gun Control Act (enacted by a Democratic Congress) was copied, almost word for word, from Hitler’s gun control act. It tells you where the minds of Democrats are and always have been. It reminds this writer of Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote to the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1755, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither.”

As soon as Hitler obtained full power, he decimated the brown shirts, because they were too wild and uncontrollable. Many, who went to battle, killed and bled for him, were imprisoned or executed for false crimes. Once in power, Hitler knew that those thug tactics could be used against him so he alleviated the possibility by ridding himself of the brown shirts. This writer is sure that a similar fate awaits BLM when their thuggery is no longer needed in the interest of the radical left.

On November 8, 2016, we will vote for the next President of the United States. Hillary Clinton fully supports BLM and their thuggery. She embraces their movement and opposes the police every chance she can. On the other hand, Donald Trump fully supports the police and lets the world know that he is the only law and order candidate. Donald Trump has provided us with a list of likely Supreme Court Justices that he will nominate, Hillary has not, but her record has always been to side with the radical left.

There will be three to four Supreme Court Justices nominated over the next four to eight years; which of these two do you want controlling America’s destiny? Voting for anyone other than these two is a vote for Hillary. In this writer’s view, this election is the most important in America’s history. What happens at the voting booth this November will determine if America will continue to exist as a vibrant free democracy or a failed socialist state like France, Greece, Italy, Spain, or any other of the European states that embrace those failed values and controls every aspect of your daily life.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 02:02 pm


Stopit, yer killin me, Barney!!!!!!
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 02:48 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
What's your point blah blah?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 04:19 pm

That's a very sketchy web site. And you just don't read it with "intelligent critical thinking".
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 04:31 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Oh sketchy website my ass.. Are you disputing the facts? I even read you crap with critical thinking...which is a huge freaking task.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 04:42 pm
Facts, my aunt fannie's tutu, they admit in their "about us" they're an opinion site. Where's your critical thinking when you don't even have reading comprehension?

I even read you crap with critical thinking

Back to your trolling ways even if you've garbled it. AGAIN.

I don't believe you read much of anything I post after the title. But I do research your posts. I have an irrational fear you might accidentally one day post something factual.

You troll and I'll ignore.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 05:27 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
As I have recently told your buddy moderator Izzy Blah Blah, you would be better served in life if you remembered just 2 simple rules...1.) I am NEVER wrong, 2.) If I am ever wrong see rule #1!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 07:19 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Trump is an asshole. Not really a racist asshole, just a greedy asshole who cares more about the color green than any other color. Trump is actually going around to predominantly black areas telling them how great they are and saying how he wants to make the economy better for all them. He doesn't have a problem with any race he just wants to more less close our borders. Except for rich people, they are allowed. It doesn't what color they are just how rich they are.

Racism is not what the Republican party is about. The Republican party does not say to kill people, it does not say "burn everything down", it does not make excuses for acts of hatred or violence, it does not claim certain races are privileged or certain races are entitled.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 07:28 pm
What I don't understand is that Trump has been a racial bigot all his life, but many blacks support him. He wouldn't rent to blacks, and paid for a full page ad in the NYT to execute five blacks charged with raping a white woman, but they were innocent. One can find many examples of Trump's racial bigotry on the internet by a simple search.
Trump now has the gall to ask blacks for their votes. That's more than chutzpah. Trump has no soul.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 07:30 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
BLM messes with MY race. That's why it gets me going. I don't like other racist assholes either, but I can just go about my business without associating or dealing with people who hate other races. Black Lives Matter is an issue that is personal, because I am white and I have to deal with Black Lives Matter wrecking my community (mixed race, the perfect neighborhood for BLM's bullshit), my home (owned by a "privileged" white male) my family (some white cops, some "privileged" white people). Basically, me and my family are everything these assholes despise, and I have seen what happens after a Black Lives Matter "peaceful protest".
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 07:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I completely agree, trump has no soul. He's not a racist though, at all. Trump is all about money. Believe me, if Trump could cut down white black Mexican Muslim Asian or aliens to make a buck he would. He probably has. Don't confuse that with racism though. All colors are equally below the power of the dollar for trump, and he's STILL better than Clinton.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 07:53 pm
Lol it's true, the term racist gets thrown around very loosely now days. I don't even support blue lives matter I just don't see them committing hate crimes/ holding up signs and asking for dead people, or lighting up gas stations, or having rallies that end in dead people of a certain race. I am not apologizing for saying your comments were racist though, I think that saying bad things about the black community is racist, because the very definition of racism is "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.", which is exactly what your "black community" comments sound like to me. I am sorry I called you a douchebag. You have always been respectful towards me and I was name calling. It was uncalled for.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 07:53 pm
You mean to tell us that his statement about banning all Muslims from entering this country is not bigotry? How about this Huffington Post article with proof about his bigotry? Not enough for you?
He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican” That's not bigotry?
I don't think you would know a bigot if you saw/heard one.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Banning Muslims no, not racism. I don't agree with it at all, but it's not racist. We know where ISIS comes from, we don't want to open the door. That is not banning a race, it's banning a religion. The more I look into the religion the more I understand why he wants to do that. Banning religion is not ok either, which is why what he wants to do is sketchy. (you can still be Muslim if you are here, he just doesn't want to invite more).

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