Slain Dallas Cop Might’ve Been A White Supremacist: Still A Hero?

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:09 pm
It's still bigotry.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:13 pm
Banning Muslims in not racism, but it's still bigotry. It falls under the same definition; intolerance. It's the same with racism.
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Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:22 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The Mexican judge thing was ironically race baiting, trying to make it seem like it was more about race than what he did wrong. That's what BLM does with "white cops". Is that racist? I guess I could see that.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:26 pm
You can't see it, because you're living the same "white" life.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
No I see what you mean. But the race bait is either racist or it's not. You can't have it both ways depending on the color of the person using it.
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Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:34 pm
@cicerone imposter,
We can DEFINITELY agree trump is a bigot, still like hum better than Clinton
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Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 09:06 pm
tony5732 wrote:

Lol it's true, the term racist gets thrown around very loosely now days. I don't even support blue lives matter I just don't see them committing hate crimes/ holding up signs and asking for dead people, or lighting up gas stations, or having rallies that end in dead people of a certain race. I am not apologizing for saying your comments were racist though, I think that saying bad things about the black community is racist, because the very definition of racism is "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.", which is exactly what your "black community" comments sound like to me. I am sorry I called you a douchebag. You have always been respectful towards me and I was name calling. It was uncalled for.

I accept your apology...however your reasoning is flawed if someone who is not white is not allowed to comment positive or negative (as long as it's true)on members of the black race then there will never be a productive dialogue. For instance...I think it's racist for one black to call another black nigger since nigger is an accepted racial slur. By your position I shouldn't be allowed to discuss this cuz I'm not black??
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 09:20 pm
No, you got me all messed up. By my reasoning you can do whatever you want. However, judging an entire group of people based on race ( "the black community". "white cops") is racist. It has nothing to do with what race you are. You could say the " The Italian community is a bunch of criminals" and that would still be racist. I think FORWARD dialogue would be actually acting as if you were colorblind. For example
"Al Capone was a criminal". Not racist, but true.
"The mafia is a criminal organization" Not racist, but true.
"The Italian community is criminal". Racist, but not true.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 09:41 pm
So let me see if I have this straight...if I refer to black people as a community the I'm a racist???

And every form that asks for race and has a choice of "black" is a racist form??

I don't recall anyone ever being offended by the Order of the Sons of Italy being referred to as part of the Italian community...or the members of the NAACP being from the local black community.

You need to rethink this position of yours and stop assigning this word racist willy nilly to appease you white guilt.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 11:10 pm
you didn't read his post very well, did you?
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2016 06:39 am
If "the black race" is a racist term in your opinion, then how is this not a racist statement :
BLM messes with MY race.

BLM has nothing to with your race, it has to with finally bringing "the black" into the family of ALL people matter. As of now its pretty clear black lives don't matter as much as white lives do. Even to you.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2016 06:41 am
Banning Muslims no, not racism

Seriously, no racial image occurs in your mind when you picture Muslims?
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2016 06:51 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Not true. Black lives matter as much as other lives matter. Because of the color of my skin I am a target of BLM. Not black people, not "the black community", the group Black Lives Matter is racist towards me. That's why there are 5 dead white people at a Black Lives Matter protest. That's just a fact. What I am saying is the equivalent of saying the KKK doesn't like black people, because that's a KKK philosophy. BLM philosophy is against white people, which is why the terms "white privilege" and "white cops" are constantly in their dialogue.
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Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2016 10:33 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Nope. That's a religion, not a race.
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Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2016 10:53 am
No, using a blanket term for a race and deciding what the race needs to do is racist.
"the Italian community needs to stop being mobsters". That's racist, and untrue, because the Italian community are not all mobsters, therefore have no need to stop being mobsters. It's a statement based on a false assumption that all of the Italian community are mobsters. Exactly like you assuming black people don't dislike or speak out against BLM.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2016 06:41 pm
Laura's Harrowing Ordeal: Driving While Black


So I am waiting for that process to start and just when you think things can’t get any weirder Wall says, “For your own safety and our protection we need to place you in handcuffs while we search the car. You are not under arrest but we need to place you in handcuffs. We wouldn’t want anyone to get tazed or shot.”...

I know they think we stole it. How surprised they must have been to see that we actually own it. Made the last payment months ago and that the title matches the name and address on our driver’s license. Maybe they enjoyed going through the bags of snacks in the back seat that contained nothing more than a soda bottle and a couple of bottles of water. Looking for open liquor containers? Sorry. Nope. Not even a beer. They unzipped my CD container and guess what they found? CDs. A little Anthony Robbins and the complete Bible on CD. Bet they weren’t expecting that....

They pass the pill box back and forth between the three of them and sniff his vitamins. They are finally satisfied that they are vitamins. They then turn their attention to my bag. They go through all my things, handle my Bible. MY BIBLE!!!! Who do you think I am the guy from Shawshank Redemption or something and I have carved out a little place in my Bible for a tiny pistol? There is nothing inside my Bible put pages. And a lot of words that you should take the time to read.

Then they start going through my clothes. They hold my little sundresses up and then cram them back in the bag. They turn my socks inside out. They hold up my underwear and finger them. I really feel like they were trying to get a reaction out of Richard so they would have an excuse to do something to him.
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2016 08:49 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Procedurally the offers acted properly... It was not an illegal search they had consent to search... and now a little background.

New Orleans International Airport receives direct flights from San Salvador, El Salvador, and San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Both San Salvador and San Pedro Sula serve as regional hubs, connecting passengers from all over Central and South America, including known drug source countries such as Columbia and Venezuela, to New Orleans.

The Port of New Orleans is a transportation hub and distribution center for licit and illicit commodities. It is the second busiest container port on the Gulf Coast and the fourth busiest port in the United States. Smuggling occurs not only within containerized cargo, but also in shipments of bulk cargo such as iron ore and produce. Much of the trade is with drug source and transit nations in Latin America and the Caribbean. Drug traffickers use skilled welders in poor nations such as Haiti to modify cargo vessels so drugs can be stored within the structure of the ship. U.S. Customs Service (USCS) officials indicate that smuggling by crew members aboard cargo ships is also a significant problem. Louisiana, with 397 miles of Gulf Coastline, includes the Mississippi delta, gateway to the vast Mississippi River system.

The Port of New Orleans is a popular embarkation point and destination on the Caribbean cruise ship circuit providing an opportunity for American and foreign passengers to smuggle drugs. Some crew members on cruise ships that service ports in drug transit countries such as Jamaica and Mexico smuggle multikilogram shipments of cocaine. The USCS reports that drug distribution groups in the United States recruit couriers who work with drug traffickers and crew members to bring drugs into the United States.

The Gulf of Mexico is home to over 4,000 offshore natural gas drilling platforms that are sometimes used as rendezvous or dropoff points for smugglers. The natural gas industry is the impetus for between 5,000 and 9,000 helicopter flights a day shuttling employees and equipment between platforms and the mainland, providing a degree of anonymity to smugglers operating in the Gulf.

Traffickers exploit the many opportunities the Gulf of Mexico provides and continue to develop innovative ways to smuggle drugs via the Gulf Coast. Although seizure data does not confirm widespread air and maritime drug smuggling into Louisiana's Gulf Coast region, United States Coast Guard (USCG) and USCS intelligence officials, as well as many local law enforcement agencies in communities along the Gulf Coast, are confident it is occurring. The maritime and air drug smuggling threat in the Gulf of Mexico is underscored by the fact that the Louisiana Gulf Coast is closer to the port of Cartagena, Colombia, than it is to Boston, Massachusetts.

Drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) use modern communication and navigation devices for countersurveillance and counterintelligence capabilities. Cellular telephones and global positioning systems (GPS) have revolutionized the way in which air and maritime smugglers conduct their activities, enabling them to make precision rendezvous. In the past, smugglers had to use high frequency (HF) and very high frequency (VHF) radios to communicate with their offloading or receiving teams and to use other means such as automobile headlights and fires to help pilots or captains pinpoint ground parties, which made them vulnerable to detection. DTO members study law enforcement operational patterns and routines such as USCG and USCS patrol schedules.

Louisiana's portions of interstate highways 10, 20, and 55 are important cogs in an elaborate interstate system being exploited by drug distributors moving drugs north from the Southwest Border area while at the same time sending the cash profits south. Houston and Dallas, both major drug distribution hubs, lie just to the west of Louisiana on highways 10 and 20, respectively. Law enforcement personnel in Louisiana point overwhelmingly to Houston and Dallas as the main source of cocaine in their areas. Louisiana's proximity to Texas and the Southwest Border provides distributors ready access via Louisiana's highways to lucrative markets in the southern and northeastern United States. To a lesser degree, Interstate 55, which originates in New Orleans and passes through St. Louis before ending in Chicago, allows distributors to move drugs to midwestern markets. Interstate highways 10 and 20 also connect Louisiana to major drug distribution hubs in Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Miami, and Atlanta. Table 1 shows the distance between several Louisiana cities and some significant drug distribution cities
Table 1. Estimated Mileage Between Major Louisiana Cities and Selected Drug Distribution Cities

Distance in Miles
Monroe Shreveport Alexandria Lake Charles Baton Rouge New Orleans
Houston 334 235 239 143 269 352
Dallas 284 187 303 380 443 499
Brownsville 689 616 593 498 624 702
Los Angeles 1,721 1,634 1,740 1,689 1,815 1,914
Miami 1,025 1,123 1,057 1,047 921 862

Louisiana's popularity as a tourist, convention, and party destination contributes to drug abuse and distribution. Large numbers of recreation seekers travel to and from New Orleans providing relative anonymity to drug distributors as well as providing a lucrative market for drugs.

Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2016 08:10 pm
He can cut and paste all da
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2016 08:17 pm
He can cut and paste all day everyday. Unless he actually talks it's pointless to try to type a paragraph as long as his cut and copy newspaper article. Once you make a point he has a game plan.

1. cut and paste 2 pages of articles so no one can see what you said, therefore not needing to come up with an intelligent counterpoint.

2. Call you names.

3. Use a puppet account.

4. Use a different puppet account.

5. Use multiple puppet accounts.

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bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 13 Sep, 2016 05:01 am
Four Oakland Police Officers Fired in Connection to Sex Abuse Scandal

Seven other officers will be suspended without pay and an additional cop will receive counseling and training

By Kristofer Noceda and Jodi Hernandez
Trending Stories

Four Oakland police officers have been fired following a nearly year-long investigation into a sex abuse scandal, City Administrator Sabrina Landreth said. Cheryl Hurd reports. (Published Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016)

Four Oakland police officers have been fired following a nearly year-long investigation into a sex abuse scandal, City Administrator Sabrina Landreth said.

Seven other officers will be suspended without pay and an additional cop will receive counseling and training, Landreth said.

Accusations against the officers who were fired include attempted sexual assault, lewd conduct and assisting in prostitution, according to Landreth.

Landreth made the announcement with Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf during a late Wednesday afternoon news conference to discuss the investigation.

"I am deeply sorry for the harm that this scandal has caused, particularly to community trust," Schaaf said.

The mayor said the discipline "sends a loud and clear message that we will hold our officers to nothing but the highest standards of professionalism and integrity."

Civil rights attorney John Burris believes further punishment is due.

"I’m hopeful that there are criminal charges because they should be prosecuted," Burris said. "We’re talking about men police officers having sex with a minor."

The 19-year-old woman at the center of the sex abuse scandal, Celeste Guap, said she has had sex with more than a dozen police officers throughout the Bay Area, which prompted the investigation. She has said some of those encounters took place when she was underage.

Schaaf said the investigation included 11 different interviews with Guap, 50 witness interviews and a review of 78,000 pages of social media postings and 28,000 text messages.

Last week, Guap was arrested for aggravated battery after she allegedly attacked a security officer at a voluntary rehab facility in Florida, according to an arrest report.

NBC Bay Area has confirmed two attorneys were on their way to Florida on Wednesday to try and secure Guap's release.

Over the summer, three Oakland police chiefs stepped down, or were told to step down from their posts, amid the sex abuse scandal.

In addition, the Oakland Police Department was involved in a racist texting probe, which caused two police officers to be suspended in August.

NBC Bay Area's Cheryl Hurd contributed to this report.

Source: Four Oakland Police Officers Fired in Connection to Sex Abuse Scandal | NBC Bay Area http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Oakland-Mayor-to-Discuss-Conclusion-of-Sexual-Misconduct-Investigation-392663311.html#ixzz4K8HP0Pbf
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