Quote:What risks do you think there are? All the arguments I have seen against it herein are a bunch of hogwash. Billions of males have been and are being circumcised with virtually no ill effects, that being the case big brother has no right to interfere with a religious practice. A practice of both Judaism and Islam
I don't
think there are risks, I
know there are risks. You ever seen someone with a bent penis, pubic hair up the shaft, or a bleeding erection. These are a few complications from circumcision, and it's not a pretty sight. Adhesions are extremely common too because doctors don't always give any after-care instructions and their remaining foreskin tries to adhere back to the head of the penis where it knows it belongs. The anti-circ sites are extreme, but these horrible things would not have happened if these people if they would not have been circumcised:
P.S. Female circumcision used to be legal too, but even though it is a part of some people's religions, they will be arrested for performing it. You can't even cut a tiny piece of your daughter's labia or clitoral hood because it is illegal, but you can have your son's entire foreskin removed and we know that the foreskin has many functions.
Do you believe that people should be able to do whatever they want to do to other people just because it is in the name of their religion? If you want to remove part of your own penis as a consenting adult, go right ahead, but leave the infants alone.
Aren't suicide bombers doing what they do in the name of their religion?