littlek wrote:
Boomer, we don't have 400 million tax-payers in this country? But, I spuppose that's a moot point.
The penny per person was my idea/point.
According to the census , we have approx 400 million so called tax payers.
I say so called because we all know that not everyone is employed 100% of the time. And at 400 million, IF the final bill for that family of too many was 1.3 mil, that is about a penny a person. It isnt like one or two people shoulder that bill. Broken down over the entire society, the actual , traceable amount I am willing to bet is abotu a penny.
but that is just a guess and nothing concrete.
I agree that it is a sign of something bigger. Absolutely.
I also wonder WHY someone who was getting benefits in the first place, does not have a job, nor can afford to own or rent their own place was allowed to ( and had to be funded by someone!) have 8 babies.
That is a huge assumption on someones part.
An assumption of government assistance.
An assumption of the public's desire and ability to help etc..etc.
Trust me, I am not standing on the moms side in this. I think what she chose to do SHOULD constitute some kind of child abuse.
I just cant stand by the argument of tax payers dollars .... but for that I have my own odd ball views..