[email protected], holy crap, you are on a rant here...listen, I don't want to make this personal, but I was born Jewish, was circumsized as a baby, and I get PLENTY of pleasure from both sex and masturbation. I am sorry for your personal plight, but quite frankly, if you want to make circumcision illegal, narrow your parameters, or vote for the reinstatement of church and state. Last I heard, Jews are not required to circumcize females. Where the hell did you get that info? The internet, I presume.
CodeBorg, you of all people I would think would be sympathetic to a practice based in centuries of history, done in the proper religious context. Hospitals be damned, and yes, we all know that there are botches, and unscrupulous doctors out for a buck, but that is a seperate problem from the religious roots of circumcision, which are protected under the constitution, last time I checked, under, hmm, freedom of religion. Make it illegal for non-religious or non-medical reasons if you want, but don't stomp on the beliefs of others acting within the current law. Also, don't slap me with the female circumcision argument....your facts are flawed regarding Jews being required to do that.
Rant over, on to a joke: So a guy needs his watch fixed. He sees a shop with a bunch of clocks in the window. He walks in, and asks the shopkeeper if he can get his watch fixed. The shopkeeper says "No, I'm sorry, I don't fix watches, I'm a Mohel." The guy says "Oh, so what's with all the clocks in the window?" He says "If you were in my profession, what would you put in your window?"