edgarblythe wrote:People in a country like the USA do not need circumcision.
We don't need body piercings either but it's done thousands of times daily and waging lawsuits over it in an attempt to have it made illegal would be plain stupid, just as this lawsuit is...
I did not argue for lawsuits, just common sense.
When circumcisions are outlawed, only outlaws will have circumcisions!
They can have my circumcision when they pry it from my cold, dead, ummm... fingers?
Quote:The study said 47 percent of circumcised men reported masturbating at least once a month versus 34 percent for their uncircumcised peers.
So, those 'cold, dead fingers'. Hmm, might want to try wearing gloves. But it could cost a fortune in additional eyewear.....
Wot? We're supposed to report that to someone? Damn it, I'm always the last to know these things!
Is there a form we should be filling out? And which agency receives these reports? Do they need to be filed in triplicate? I'm just concerned about the pages sticking together....
Why on EARTH would circumcised men masturbate more than uncircumcized men?
If not the parents, thenb who's the legal representative of the child?
If not the parents, then who's the legal representative of the child?
By the way, what unknow procedures are they performing on the female babies?
This medical procedure is common among observant Jews and Muslims.
Would you call these groups "outlaws"?
You ask why? Because they're more HONEST! That's why!
Mr. Stillwater-One of the most important things that I have learned in life is, "correlation does not nescesarily mean causality".
Obviously your link does not show the entire study. What I would want to know, is what were the ethnic backgrounds of the subjects? Certain religious groups have negative cultural strictures concerning sex. Others don't.
Without that information, I can't draw any worthwhile conclusions from the study!
LEXINGTON, Kentucky (AP) -- A woman is accusing her doctor of branding her uterus with his alma mater's initials before removing the organ during a hysterectomy.
Stephanie Means and her husband sued Dr. James Guiler on Wednesday, seeking unspecified damages for emotional distress.
The lawsuit said a videotape of the surgery clearly shows the University of Kentucky booster using a cauterizing tool to write "UK" in letters 2 inches high.
"They want to see that it isn't done to other women," said the couple's attorney, Michael Dean. He added: "This is bizarre. I've never seen anything like this."
Guiler did not immediately return calls Friday.
The doctor performed the surgery August 14 at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington.
Guiler received his medical degree from the university and last year was a sponsor of Wildcat Madness, a fund-raiser for the school's basketball museum.
In New York, an obstetrician lost his medical license after carving his initials into a patient's abdomen in 1999. Dr. Allan Zarkan's lawyer said Zarkan had a brain disorder.
Phoenix, can't you get a handle on it? (Chuckle) Not feeling yourself lately? (Ha, Ha) Get a grip on yourself! (ROTFL)
<wipes eyes> Yep, there's always going to be a problem with reporting on such a subject - they're always gonna jerk you around, if we DON'T PULL TOGETHER!!!!
"Excuse me Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this establishment..."