Wilso wrote:ADULT MALE CIRCUMCISION?Reader's Response
Dear Considering Clipping,
I am a male in my late 30s and I was born in a foreign country, but decided to get it done.
I decided to get the procedure done about 5 years ago and wish I would have done it sooner. Like Alice said, do talk to a doctor before getting it done. I called ask a nurse and I went to the doctor and got it done. It takes two to three weeks to heal, but once it heals,
the sex, to me, is much better than before. Sex is not a chore anymore and you stay a lot cleaner now, too. Good luck and take care.
Go ask Alice-Columbia University's Health Question and Answer Internet Service.
This question and answer
Thanks for this OPINION--other than a few misconceptions, this is not bad..
but I do not think this addresses the non-consenting forced circumcision of infants..what an adult wishes to do to his body is his business--no one is forcing something on him... except in a few parts of the world.
Now if you would like to exchange testimonies, I would be happy to do so, but I think it would be more profitable to actually confine this discussion to facts and evidence--
Start with this one:
Purpose: Evidence concerning the effect of circumcision on sexual function is lacking. Men circumcised as adults are potentially in a unique position to comment on the effect of a prepuce on sexual intercourse. We examine sexual function outcomes in men who have experienced sexual intercourse in the uncircumcised and circumcised states.
Materials and Methods: Men 18 years old or older when circumcised were identified by billing records during a 5-year period at an academic medical center. Medical charts were reviewed for confirmation of the procedure and to identify the indication(s). These men were surveyed to assess erectile function, penile sensitivity, sexual activity and overall satisfaction. Data were analyzed using paired t tests to compare category scores before and after circumcision.
Results: A total of 123 men were circumcised as adults. Indications for circumcision included phimosis in 64% of cases, balanitis in 17%, condyloma in 10%, redundant foreskin in 9% and elective in 7%. The response rate was 44% among potential responders. Mean age of responders was 42 years at circumcision and 46 years at survey.
Adult circumcision appears to result in worsened erectile function (p = 0.01), decreased penile sensitivity (p = 0.08), no change in sexual activity (p = 0.22) and improved satisfaction (p = 0.04). Of the men 50% reported benefits and 38% reported harm. Overall, 62% of men were satisfied with having been circumcised.
Conclusions: Our findings may help urologists better counsel men undergoing circumcision as adults. Prospective studies are needed to better understand the relationship between circumcision and sexual function.