New Haven wrote:
Adult woman who convert to Judaism are required to go to the Mikvah to complete the conversion process.

Please explain. Do you mean the ritual bathing, dietary, or what? Seems to me it was both.
According to the links the penis is a "system" and is self-cleaning. I am finding it interesting that the parents, in one link, are advised to not "clean" their son's penis or touch it for any reason. For some reason I am agreeing with this. Neither should a woman use a douch (doush, dousch?) as her inner body is also self cleansing.
I am just wondering as this procedure seems such an invasion. But, infants DO remember pain, even if not the act. Babies who are sexually assaulted will be affected, will recall, WILL be mentally and emotionally damaged.
I recall a college philosophy teacher saying: There IS no "authority," YOU are the authority.