An actual polling company actually polled 853 actual registered voters to see if they would rather vote for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton or a Giant Meteor hitting the earth. And the results were pretty interesting.
Public Policy Polling (PPP) is a North Carolina-based polling company. They are not a hoax. But they do have a history of asking unusual questions along with the usual "who would you vote for, do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion," and so on. For instance, they asked Florida voters if Ted Cruz was the Zodiac Killer and if Christians believed President Obama would be Raptured.
The Giant Meteor 2016 movement, also known as Sweet Meteor O' Death or #SMOD16, began as a joke by those unhappy with their presidential choices. The Twitter account now boasts more than 20,000 followers. "Ready to Make an Impact, Tough on Putin & Iran," the bio reads. You can even get a bumper sticker.
I am going to cast my vote for a delicious ham and cheese sammich on hole wheat toast with a tomato and some mayo.
I can trust giving the "football" to a ham sammich