@Real Music,
Real Music wrote:I am so proud of you dems for finally showing us AMERICANS that you have a spine. It's refreshing to see the dems demonstrate that they do have a backbone.
I would not be surprised to see you salute the bravery of the 9/11 hijackers too. You have a bad habit of supporting anyone who harms innocent Americans.
Real Music wrote:We PATRIOTIC AMERICANS greatly thank you dems. Someone is finally fighting to protect us AMERICANS from the evil corporate anti-American Gun Manufacturers.
The gun manufacturers are on the side of the Americans. They provide us with our guns.
What you are cheering for would do nothing to harm gun manufacturers even if it succeeded. You are cheering only for attempts to violate the civil rights of ordinary Americans.
Real Music wrote:You got them on the ropes.
You've got nothing at all.
Did you notice that there isn't even an assault weapons ban in any of these votes?
Did you notice that, even with an assault weapons ban excluded, not one of these votes even came close to passing?
Your cheering for the violating of people's rights is repugnant. Maybe one day you will find the government violating YOUR rights. But repugnance aside, you are powerless against the indomitable might of the NRA. You are like an insect trying to challenge a god.
Are you going to be like that knight in the Monty Python sketch who keeps acting like he has a chance of winning even after all his limbs are severed?