As of about thirty minutes ago, they are estimating 25 Billion in claims to be filed.
Business Week
More than Andrew...23 billion
One of my managers guesstimated yesterday that it will be above 30 billion.
Here's a link to Washington Post coverage that has a photo gallery.
Worst of times, best of humankind.
eoe wrote:BBB, my husband said the same thing last night. We could use that money and those troops right here right now.
Smart man, your husband - sad but true. Osama bin Laden must be cheering because his stated goal is to bankrupt the U.S.
Just listening to the news, and the reporter said that Katrina could be the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. My God!
I went to bed yesterday thinking that maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be too bad. But overnight, and all day today, the news has gotten worse. Much worse.
The impact on the folks in MS, AL, and LA is dreadful. It could be weeks, nay months, before there is any return to something resembling normalcy in terms of housing, utilities, schools etc. If the 26 Billion is right, it will be years.
When Johnboy went to work yesterday morning, the price of regular gas was, at one station, $2.47/gallon. On my way home, the same station was at $2.57/gal. This morning: $2.63/gal.
As was mentioned before by another poster, please consider sending some $$$ to the Red Cross, or the Salvation Army, or some other charity.
and Letty just paid $2. 81 for regular. BBB is right. We're headed for hard times all around, but nothing is as bad as it is for those poor people in the gulf states.
Oh no.
Levees break. French Quarter filling with water. Some pictures of NO underwater.
Clickable links to up to date information.
So sad.
Hundreds feared dead. Worse than Camille.
and once again, it is the poor who lost the most, and looting and anarchy reign.
sorry if this was already posted...didn't go back through the thread...i found the first few pics amazing...well, devastatingly amazing... hope everyone is ok!
usa today katrina coverage
I can't believe this. Emergency news from Gov in LA--Everyone get out. The other levee is failing. The entire city is going to be deep underwater. It will be a hazardous area for months.
This is what we thought would happen, but didn't. It has now.
Oh no.
I woke up the past few mornings scared to read that news, and when Katrina passed (what's left of her is raining on me at the moment), relaxed a little.
Awful indeed.
This just keeps getting worse. I've been watching CNN for the past 3 days and when you think it can't get any worse, they say that there's going to be another 15 ft of water coming in by this afternoon.
All those poor people and animals are homeless with no place to go and my heart bleeds for them.
I am also extremely frustrating at hearing about all the people who were actually able to evacuate, but chose to ride it out. This made it 10 times as bad for the resue workers and many lives were lost because those workers could not get to them in time. I was amazed at how many people who decided to ride this out had children. It's one thing to risk your own life, but you've got to get your kids out of harms way!
When people see a storm the size of this one coming, please get the hell out of there!
the animals are more likely to survive in those conditions than the people...
I am very sorry for those poor poeple in New Orleans and other afflicted regions.
New Orleans is a great place in multiple ways.

(French Quarter)