Soon. I am resting by checking out recent emails. But thanks for the clue to click on Edit.
Gads some of us are way lagging from some other of us in the webby world.
So whatever became of crusader bunnypants, PDiddie? Any idea?
Remember Chayna (or something in that vein). Used to post these mindless rants (witrh LOTS of...... CAPITALS.... and ....spaces......) that NO-ONE ever replied to. In the end he posted a number 1,000 - a whine that no-one replied to his posts!
And our favourite tortured Icelander, 'A' alias 'Aa'. Unlucky in love, had a shy bladder too (the girls were unmerciful), he once had the concept of abrading ALL HIS SKIN OFF and was asking for advice!!!! Miss him.
Of course if no-one has mentioned it SLAPPY!! They kept on chucking him off and he just came back with a new name - must say the A2K version is a real improvement. He has a geniune sense of humour and fun with the posts, being offensive is sort of just a side-effect. Where is that lad?
Letsee.... I originally came in under my real name and hung around for a while, bailed out for a while and then came back for the huge melt-down that saw DakotaStone banned (and there was worse). Dropped out for good in Dec 2002 when I dropped in here.
Stilly - I had no idea you were an old Abuzzer!
The Aa you speak of is not the Aa I know and love - and hope might now forget all, and come here.
I believe that was Chaiya Stilly, who did make a brief appearence here to rant about space aliens. Mind you, identities are not my strong point. I'm just going on instinct.
you are correct about chaiya. I liked her. she was like the crazy maiden aunt at the family reunion.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:you are correct about chaiya. I liked her. she was like the crazy maiden aunt at the family reunion.
Yeah, she was quirky, and probably a lot of fun at funerals.

I liked her too.
you are correct about chaiya. I liked her. she was like the crazy maiden aunt at the family reunion.
I have been Gautam there as well.....
Anyone remember Bobsal ? He did make an appearence briefly here (I think - anyone remember sonny san ?) but thankfully did not last for long.
Yes, G, there are many people who well remember Bobsal .... And many here who claim to be him/her!

See previous posts on this thread.
msolga wrote:So whatever became of crusader bunnypants, PDiddie? Any idea?
Dunno. Hope he's still alive.
He's got a logon here, but it's been untouched for quite awhile.
jeffharrison3 is another fellow I wish would show up sometime.
i was Region Philbus, but i never posted.
when i came here i decided to go in a totally new direction, username-wise...
I was margo1519236~* (or similar) - but, as I got older and simpler, I couldn't remember the numbers anymore - my memory is gradually slipping away...
Whatabout General Lee...or whatever this week - miss him.
Stilly - I never knew you..... ... there
You may not know this, but I was hollyraymathis.
Læknir Scrat wrote:You may not know this, but I was hollyraymathis.
and here I thought you'd ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of God the father almighty... :wink:
And then there was this insane guy from Acapulco who changed his moniker very often, made no sense at all, had lots of trouble writing and was Tinfoil Hat Brigade prime material.