msolga wrote:The truth please, the truth ....!

Oy! Since when was the internet about truth?
when I first started at Abuzz I was OldandBitter but quickly found that I was a rank amateur at bitterness so I became Bi-Polar Bear, a name that has stuck with me...I use it everywhere I go on the internet and everyone also pretty much knows who I am really and where I personality is not contrived....I am who you see and talk to, for better or worse...those who like me,. I appreciate you and probably like you back...those who don't are of no concern to me.....I, like everyone else prefer being well liked, but my self esteem is not tied up in it......and by the way
I'M NY Zinger, so find another corner to work farmerman....
OK, Cav .....
But it would be good to have some Abuzz posters on A2K revealed.
msolga wrote:
OK, Cav .....
But it would be good to have some Abuzz posters on A2K revealed.
It would be nice indeed. I suspect they will come out of the woodwork as soon as Dubya captures Osama.
You think some folk have something to hide? :wink:
except for me and my monkey
I was Ossobuco, and then, after a hiatus when I couldn't get in, a tough time not to get in too, after that, for a few days, I was in succession Zuccotto, Ossobuco 2, Ossibuchi, whatever.. until I caught on I could be Ossobuco again.
Farmer was not Dominic John or I'll eat my shoe, and Dys was not sailfree. People have linguistic traits, ya know, that even disguising doesn't disguise.
The original Kak is here and is a good responsible poster.
Aa was here, and I think got insulted quickly and left, which I am very sorry about.
400 signed up and, I gather, got some spam around the same time and attributed it to a2k. Spam comes from a lot of places, but NOT a2k. I would also dearly like him to come here and continue the Artist Studio threads, which, by the way, I am working at saving copies of. And, farmer, I did copy the Abstract Expressionism thread. Sigh, I'm tired already, am here resting now.
In my short few hour chase around my listed threads as Ossobuco (oh, sh/t, why oh why am I a generalist) - I am just beginning the saving - I found two people I have been meaning to find out what happened to..
one is Original Bad Dog Shawn, who used to post on the food threads, he just stopped one day; another is Chillybrrrr, whose name I have been scratching my head to remember all this time to invite her here.
Then there is Vincent of course, who I miss terribly, but he isn't hasn't been at abuzz much either, and also Chun Chun.
Has anyone heard from Dream 2020?? I always liked her, and she had a very difficult eye problem, which may have stopped her computing.
A fellow I got to be friends with, even had an email add/ for, but must have cleared away by mistake, was Gaius Cornelius Naso, quite a literate fellow, who may or may not be associated with some posters of other roman names.
I miss Vincent, too. And Chun Chun, too. Both very inspirational cooks!
You seem to have "inside information". :wink:
On the original Kak, no, not inside. The signature is the same, as I remember, and I recognize style and opinions, sometimes anyway. But this isn't a thread to "out" someone, I don't think, is it? more that some folks changed their names on moving, and shared the info but that's been lost with time.
Vincent is here, but seldom posts. JerryR could put in an appearance anytime, now.
I've the same identity here as I had on Abuzz.
'schoolboy' left Abuzz already in 2001, as far as I remember.
CD ... I can't remember exactly who, but someone is still in contact with her (I lost her address at one of my formerly frequent computer crashes).
To be honest, sometimes I even miss sailfree
ossobuco wrote:But this isn't a thread to "out" someone, I don't think, is it?
Of course not, osso! We are NOT that sort of forum!

Though some of the "self-outings" have been odd, don't you think?
I've run into more names I wish I'd see again...
Alley Oop and Maybenj..
Me there; me here. Cubist poet was odd, but I sorta liked him.
I posted under another name my first few months on Abuzz, though I wasn't on much. Then switched over to sozobe, and have been that since.
Oh, and I decided to take on a masculine nom de net to enter the politics fray as my own little anthropology experiment (which I thought at the time was original and so isn't) and several guys who hadn't talked much to sozobe got very buddy-buddy with me. :-) (I didn't change posting style at all, just name.)
Oh, that's right. I was Mollie for a short time 'cause I couldn't get my old account back.
I began in 2000 on abuzz under the name Skeletor, but soon got kicked off. I changed my name to Gargamel and toned it down a bit. But my participation was on and off so few of y'all probably remember me.
I usually just goofed around on the threads of Skwerl X. Miss those.
Oh, I would pick fights on political threads then too. But I was only 20 years old. Now I am smart enough not to care anymore.