heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . . .
i literally did laugh aloud at the one PDid . . .
Kak, or who I think of as kak. is fine here, comfortable.
Asimox I remember, yes, savvy.
Lothar and Brittany et al... it is all coming back. I liked the guy. He was of course all one person. Associated with another person I know, hee hee. You can mark that down as the first and only time I will ever say 'hee hee' on any forum anywhere.
If you know me, you'd surmise I'd say whooooooooooeeeee or something more demonstrative, if I was feeling demonstrative, which. ya know, I keep in check, as I prefer to crucify words individually.
ossobuco wrote:Asimox I remember, yes, savvy.
Yes, she was terrific! Knew absolutely anything & everything about plant life.
What about smccandles?

Susan, I think? I recall himself referring to her as "candles person" on a hilarious thread of his: Cats are Evil!
Thanks for that, PDiddie!
Though I wasn't on abuzz very long before it started to get nasty, my name was mmediane. When i got kicked off somehow, I came back as Felix Noir, the black cat.
I loved blacksmithin' and Ann Overboard. One of his threads was the funniest I'd ever seen. I didn't dare post--was way outclassed--but loved reading each witty post.
I have a penchant for giving folks different names than those they have selected, usually, they don't mind. I refered to Dakotastone as Stakotadone, and smccandles as the Candleless One. I refered to Shebears as the Ursine Goddess, but she never seemed to like me, oh well . . . i referred to Ridinghood as The Mighty Victrix (of the Big Bad Wolf), and she didn't mind--i miss her. I referred to Mass Cass as Massachuselly Cass . . . i enjoy that sort of thing, and am relieved that it doesn't seem to bother most folks, like Mogduney/Lunar Canine/Moondoggy, or Our Dear Wabbit/Cunning Coney/Dlowan.
I was, obvously, Setanta at AFUZZ, but also appeard as Dommie Kay . . .
Dommie Kay?
Really? Or are you leg pulling, setanta?
No Boss, that was really me . . . i couldn't remember my Setanta password . . .
Dommie Kay
... Kommie Day? Or ...?
who was that guy who stated that he was from Andorra?
does anyone remember Hugh JAss?
and there was Heywood jablome-I think we took him apart into little chunks one eve in winter. it was a feeding frenzy.
Does anybody remember one of my posts about a possum we were feeding? We named him LIPS and I asked whether anyone knew waht possum tasted like andd got jumped by the offended multitudes of apparent possophiliacs?
I was looking for that one because I remember being reviled and I got a whole bunch of "NOT VAluables" and my smileys got downrated to 3 (I went from 5 to three smileys, Im still not fully recovered)
I miss those stupid smileys cause you knew that you pissed someone off and IT FELT GOOOD.
I used to call Zinger by the name, " NY Zphincter" and yes Bi, he was a real serious head-job. But you could really get him going, and, just as easily, calm him down with some gratuitous comment .
Possophiliacs ? ! ? ! ?
Omigod, my sides hurt . . .
I knew a family in southern Illinois, had been in the Army with the oldest daughter, who had been a nurse in VN--and i used to dine with them regularly when i lived there. The youngest daughter married a really nice fella from St. Louis, but one who lacked any perspective on life outside the country club set. This family's children had all been born in the house in which they had been raised, except for the youngest daughter. They had all been born in their mother and father's bed. They were genuine backwoods country folk, moved to the big city (Carbondale, pop. approximately 35,000, which exceeded the entire population of the county from which they had moved.) We could get the boy embarrassed by simple referring to the St. Louis Cardinals' pictcher as "Walking Underwear."
We were all sitting around the table one evening, eating that good country cooking, including a very tender and tasty pork roast. Red, the oldest boy, looks over at me and asks if i am enjoying the possum, and it told him how juicy and flavorful it was. The St. Louis boy stops with a forkful midway to his mouth, carefully sets it down, politely wipes his mouth with a napkin, while beginning to look a little green, and then excuses himself. He rejoined us in the living room after the table was cleared.
Sadly, I believe I was responsible for introducing to that forum the work-around of putting a space between each letter of the your curse word, thereby foiling the censor.
My buddy crusader bunnypants went through a stage where he changed his screen name every day, which others copied. (I cannot even remember now what he was called before he settled, sort of, on c.b.) From there the goons slowly realized they could replicate existing handles as well.
I thought bunnypants was the nuttiest person on the World Wide Web until everything he wrote about started to come true.
He was posting about Pipelinestan before Bush was even inaugurated.
He also had a confessional thread about going into rehab, falling off the wagon, etc.
Sure do miss that guy.
I allllllllllllllmost remember that, farmer. tap, tap tap.
OK, I have to shut up and get busy again. I have cut and pasted some cooking threads, and some art, but really, nothing in the balance. Much more to go. What am I saying, much much more, I've barely started. It is painful to do this when threads are long.
Which is why I keep asking, has anyone saved the Digression threads? I don't think I can do it..given the time I forsee..
And, Deb, no, I am not saving Debacle's, unless they intersect with what I get.
Don't do the click-drag thing, Josso.
Select All, as others have suggested.
Those Italy threads with you and Paola were the greatest.
Yaack, whadya mean select all, could this be my salvation? She says, with a tear...
Ok, I'll try it. I think I am on page 96 of my second persona, that is osso 1554291, or whatever. I haven't even looked at 152.4191, she says, wimpering.
The click drag thing is killing me, so yes, I will try the select all. This handy info might help some other folks or am I the absolute dumbest??? Ok, never mind.
Click on Edit, which you should have displayed at the very top of any open window.