@Real Music,
You are completely correct -- those who violates the law must be jailed and punished to the full extent of the law. However, what you are missing is that mass media feeds you this bs about how all wall street guys are bad. That's simply not true. There are bad people who broke the law, but there are also greedy people who made money LEGALLY. However, the way they made money may be ethically questionable. Say, a single mother walks into a bank that says "I need to buy a house but I make only $2000 a month, having 5 kids, and I got no down payment". Well, you going to underwrite a loan for her or say no? ETHICALLY speaking, you should NOT because you know she can't afford it. However, the government back then wants to make homes more affordable and wants banks to "help" those poor people. Massive deregulation happened and what USED to consider ILLEGAL is now legal. So what are you going to do in this case? Throw everyone in jail? They are merely following the "new guideline".
As to taxing the super wealthy and what our officials can do -- that's another thing people fail to understand. Refer to my earlier posting about net wealth tax. To achieve what you want, the net wealth tax is the ONLY WAY because most SUPER rich people's income are INVESTMENT income, NOT salary. You all think those super rich people are rich because they receive a $1 billion dollar check each year? HECK NO! Tax treatment of investment income vs salary are DIFFERENT and like I said, a net wealth tax will NEVER fly because it will reduce the nation's overall wealth. Put simply, you can ONLY tax someone if you know where their money is. If they move it offshore or hide it, there's very little the government can do.