dròm_et_rêve wrote:Do you find that Raw is better than the other show? -- Did they not divide the 'wrestlers' up into two shows or something?
O, by the way; I'm completely unitiated: why does Enterprise count/not count? Has it a different cast?
I agree with you about Beavis and Butthead, and about Joey.. (can't you just see 'special guests' in the first episode, and a lot of canned laughter.?)
And-- what the hell is De Niro doing in R&B?
Yeah, Raw seems to be better although both shows have both lame and funny parts. Last week's wedding from hell was just funny, although it does say a lot about how the average WWE fan feels about women. I suppose a lot of the fans swallow the story lines hook, line and sinker. Anyway, it was weird, and involved some wrestling, a piano and bass violin playing a wrestler's theme music (odd) and fire, though there were no explosions. If I had known that explosions were an option, well, let's just say the RP-jes nuptials woulda been different.
Enterprise is the current Star Trek show, with a new cast. It's set closer in time to now, so a lot of the tech looks more plausible. But it does have a lame theme song.
B&B is lately lamented. And Joey, well, even TV Guide is saying that it's not looking good, and they're usually big-time cheerleaders for new shows when they like the cast (e. g. it's someone who's granted interviews in the past, which I think Matt LeBlanc and Drea DeMatteo have).
Helfino re DeNiro in R & B, but, man, eek, I'm running out of interjections to express how bizarre I think that is. Ah, here's the film: