That's good, Piff; did they not like cartoons much at all? Did they prefer to be outside?
Oo, I missed that, Cav; we never had that.... it sounds awful.
Still, I'm saying that Scooby Doo is last century's version of Twelfth Night.
Take pity on last century...
Here's a question out of interest, you lot: which do you find worst-- Scooby Doo, or the Pokémon/Digimon things?
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Oo, I missed that, Cav; we never had that.... it sounds awful.
It would be, it was Canadian.

Personally, I hate the Pokemon and spinoffs worse than Scooby Doo.
Yes, I find them particularly mindless. Pokemon has no plot, so it must be a plot, by the Political Correctness lobbies, to 'bring Epilepsy to a Wider Audience.'
Was there ever a great Canadian show?
This Hour Has 22 Minutes, and pretty much anything else involving Rick Mercer. Oh, Second City, which launched the careers of John Candy, Eugene Levy, Bob and Doug McKenzie (heh heh), Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short....I'm also a fan of the old show 'Forever Knight', which centers around a vampire who becomes a cop and wishes to regain his humanity. I swear it was the blueprint for the Buffy spinoff 'Angel'.
The Twentieth Century Twelfth Night? ??? Our head librarian loves Scooby Doo -- have no idea why, maybe this will give me insight.
But, yeah, I'm with Cav... Pokemon should be poked back to wherever it came from.
As for Canadian shows -- was Rocky and Bullwinkle from the Great White North? Gee whiz, I loved LOVED that show.
Drom -- my kids had/have an unhealthy attraction to The Simpsons and that spinoff with the girl with one large eye -- can't think of the name. My d. still enjoys Disney cartoons and watches them when she's tired. What can I say? I like 'em too.... Lady and the Tramp, Lion King, Cinderella, etc.
This Hour has 22 minutes? I'll check that out.. what sort of show is it? Topical?
-- I'm just thinking: there should be a version of 'The Tonight show' with Rick & Crad as the co-anchors...
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Here's a question out of interest, you lot: which do you find worst-- Scooby Doo, or the Pokémon/Digimon things?
Pokemon/Digimon - merchandising and merchandising only, whereas SDoo & Co. at least didn't go happy meal-action figure -crazy until fairly recently.
Rocky and Bulllwinkle I have heard of, but I've never seen it. Was that a show that you loved in your youth, Piffka?
Just think about it... Shaggy and Velma just have that Orsino-Viola connection, if one looks hard enough. Well, Scooby Doo has so many disguises, too!
(Maybe you really Should find out why they love Scooby Doo. I am verily wondering what the big attraction is.)
A, Futurama? I like those, too, and I know everything about series 1 to 10... I've not seen either within the last year. They don't really fit into the 'cartoon' flap, though; they seem to be something bigger...
Pokemon is evil. My crapospondent is arguing, and saying that something called BoohBahhs, which is just about round things that pass wind, is worse. I've never heard of them, but they truly do sound bad. Why do you feel kids today often want less plot, more inaneness?
It just goes to show how children are pack animals, Jespah... I'm glad that I have none, to be honest.
Do you remember those diabolic things called 'Tamagotchi;' digital pets? I couldn't believe that people were going around with them.
This Hour was a topical, farcical news show, which no longer has Rick Mercer on it. He was the guy behind 'Talking To Americans'. He was also the creator of the sadly cancelled series 'Made in Canada' (the plot synopses are worth a look even if you can't get the show):
'Talking to Americans?' Made in Canada sounds really interesting; like a far, far better version of 'Drop the dead donkey,' which I never got into...
Do you know why it was cancelled?
Everything good in Canada gets cancelled eventually.
Heheheh.... I thought that America was the worst culprit for that... although they really have far too many bad shows. I blame it all on the 'Spice channel.'
I know this guy in New York; he tapes everything on every cable channel... he has about 400 VCRs, and he has never told me why he's doing this, or whether he even plans to watch any of the videos..
I apologise for not getting this thought while I was writing my first post:
Do, generally, bad shows linger on for ages?
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Was there ever a great Canadian show?
i think i already mentioned by 'Deification'* of "Wonderland"; a new (one season, but renewed) drama/comedy/human interest/reality show by CBC.
best show on TV - (well, o.k., that's a minor compliment.)
[* no that is not a put down - coming from me!]