Sat 28 Aug, 2004 11:40 am
It's official. The pintsized addition to kids' TV show Scooby Doo, Scrappy Doo, is the world's most hated television character. A friend of mine has been taking part of a study of Internet rants over the last nine months, which found that there are over 8,000 instances of 'I hate Scrappy Doo,' 'Scrappy s___ks' and the like. 'Seven' from lowbrow comedy 'Married with Children' came second. On Jumpedtheshark alone, there are nearly fifty pages worth of commentary on how much puppy power is a load of crap; 301 authors contributed to the anti-Scrappy vibes alone. There are even theses on why he is awful.
--Compare this to instances demonstrating hate against Slobadan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav première accused of War Crimes. There are under sixty.
What is it that makes a TV character so hated? Do you hate him too?
I came looking for a vilifacation of our boy and....never mind.

i remember scrappy doo hmm he never rubbed me up the wrong way
Did he rub you up the right way, then?
I don't mean...
Isn't it weird how replacing 'wrong' for 'right' has such awkward meanings!

i only see the funny side of these thing d

im i bit childish in that way but i prefer that to being all serious
i know what you mean
well he didnt do anything for me
was just another character
im currently trying to think if there was a character that i didnt like but i cant remember at the mo
i find it bad that people are encouraged to 'hate' in the fist place
this is what makes the dictators..
no i was thinking of cartoon characters i actualy was a tv victim when i was young and i loved cartoons
you know i found it odd how much violence was in them especially the warner brothers ones
i dont think there was any character i disliked when i was young
i liked everything
didnt have negative 'anti' patterns then
i really see now it doesnt matter if they did wrong to hate anything bring you down to that level
so im just focusing on love...instead of letting the propagande wind me up...

what's all this about slappy doo hoo??
sadly hes become the most hated character on the planet
must be cos he is a member of the KKK (Kanine Klutz Klub)
I do wonder why cartoons focus on violence?
O, RP... it's something about dogs and a funky shack... the usual Slappy-related news.
that dastardly dog!
i think cartoons focus on violence bcos little kids (boys more so) think its cool. i know i did. i was really into gory movies when i was 10 or so.
now i can barely watch them!!
I always thought it was Bluto....
I always thought it was Bluto....

yes bluto and blutos double
probably like me...
when i realised these were real people suffering and being hurt and mutilated and not an unreal fantasy that didnt exist...
Damn! Ihave to go... see you all later!
(Bluto is evil.)
see you in the morning if you're there and not out to lunch