Oh with the exception of dancing and the ability to find nice girls I am good at just about everything.
I have worked sever construction jobs i could actually build my own house I can make furniture. I am a cook and an accomplished artist. I stay in shape i like running in marathons. I am excellent at math and fixing cars. A whole list of talents really I tested in the 99% in 5 different areas.
Thing is women usually find me I do not have to look to much and the wrong ones just keep coming I am going to try to work on this awkward shyness and approach them myself maybe that is part of the issue. I seem to be targeted by women who like to use guys mainly it gets so tiring. Oh and I am tired of married women too always takes a few weeks to figure that out. Can't ever go to their house always have to leave by a certain time are the clues. Funny thing is some of the married ones were actually normal then well I get the I am married bomb sigh.