Quote: "right wing conspiracy" theory
Who said conspiracy? I think its more standard procedure.
Like that manly stud Henry Kissinger once testified: "There is no more effective aphrodisiac than than power"
This isn't about abuse, this is about the male perpetrators of abuse who feel obliged the privilege of invisibility for seriously flawed treatment of women they are in power over. Some guys in power think Kissinger said "power never fails, no means yes, and if she's a bit inebriated, so much the better" instead of "no more effective aphrodisiac ."
I'm sorry, the POTUS poaching trim in a dark far corridor from a twenty-two year old barely paid intern was wrong.
Should he have lost his job over it? Absolutely not. But he never should have lied about it. Right after his convention Big Dog and Hillary went on Sixty Minutes and discussed Bill's having tapped strange outside of their marriage but that he had come clean and that they worked it out and she had forgiven him, and then the American people did, too.
After all: It was business as usual. Just standard procedure. If no one can tell if he drove it home with any of the Arkansas accusers, Bill had a hand in it. He poisoned his own well by parsing 'is' and lying - looking straight into the faces of everyone on TV - "I did not have sex with that woman" about Lewinski. And the whole time that he's committing perjury and paying off some of his other accusers in other courtrooms and lawyer's offices.
Don't get me wrong. I voted HWB in '92. I voted Big Dog in '96. I'da voted for him again in 2000. If Hillary could make him VP, I'd drop Bernie in a NY minute. But he's still a dog and I half believe at least half their stories and the State Police guys, too.