I'm reporting you for violating the TOS......bully!!!!
I'm going to have to disagree with Baldimo. It's the ACLU that protects my right to be stupid, not the military. The military protects the financial security of the people who run the government.
FreeDuck wrote:I'm going to have to disagree with Baldimo. It's the ACLU that protects my right to be stupid, not the military. The military protects the financial security of the people who run the government.
you mean the stupid people who run the government don't you? :wink:
The military protects us all in time of need. The problem lies with the misuse of the military by some of the power mad individuals in administrations such as the present one.
au1929 wrote:FreeDuck
The military protects us all in time of need. The problem lies with the misuse of the military by some of the power mad individuals in administrations such as the present one.
I think that's what the military SHOULD do, but I don't think this is what the military is currently doing. In fact, I think the military has been misused for some time now.
FreeDuck wrote:I'm going to have to disagree with Baldimo. It's the ACLU that protects my right to be stupid, not the military. The military protects the financial security of the people who run the government.
When was the last time the ACLU went over seas and fought for your freedoms? They only attack those they don't agree with. I happen to think they are only there to fight against the evil that is Christianity. A vast majority of their cases have been against anything Christian. I take the ACLU with a grain of salt and really wish they would go away. We have other more respectful groups out there that can do what they do and also with more integrity and honesty. I'd choose a soldier over the ACLU anytime to protect my rights. They are nothing but oxygen thieves.
DontTreadOnMe wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
"In God we trust, all others pay cash" A book by Jean Shepherd, a storytelling genius.
is this the person that wrote " a christmas story" ? a great story, and film. if so, i'll have to read it.
The very same.
His radio show was fantastic and gave birth to the many TV films and, ultimately A Christmas Story.
gosh, thanks for sharing that well documented point of view Baldimo. Seems like we all are concerned about the lack of oxygen.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:The very same.
His radio show was fantastic and gave birth to the many TV films and, ultimately A Christmas Story.
thanks!! acs is an all time fave around here.
kind of reminds me of james thurber.
Baldimo wrote:When was the last time the ACLU went over seas and fought for your freedoms?
When was the last time my freedoms flew overseas?
The ACLU is far too busy fighting for our freedoms here at home...
Doesn't it strike you as odd that our service people are fighting and dying to bring freedom to people overseas. While our government here at home seems intent upon limiting our freedom here at home.
What freedom au1929? What freedom do you no longer have since Bush became president?
The right to a speedy trial. Gone.
The right to not be held without charges. Gone.
The right to privacy - my phones and electronic devices can be tapped without judicial approval. Gone.
The right to fly - many Americans (like Ted Kennedy, heh) cannot fly thanks to the no-fly list. I work with a guy named David Nelson who can't fly because there was an environmental terrorist with that same name. That one's gone too.
The right to dissent. The justice department treats anti-war groups as 'potential terrorists.' If you disagree with Bush, the message by the Republicans is 'feel free to get the hell out of the country.' So, that one's gone too.
The right to access information. Many previously available governement documents are now secret. The funny thing is, a lot of these have to do with energy and environmental policy, and not the war on terror. Hmm.
You have lost rights, whether you believe it or not, McG. I hope they never sieze a family member of yours for suspected terrorism.
I am sorry for you that you feel those rights are gone. I don't see that they are gone, but something must make you perceive that they are.
What has led you to believe that those rights are gone?
Speedy trial? It's in the constitution. What is your definition of a speedy trial? What examples do you have to support your allegations?
Not to be held without charges? Still in the constitution. Are you using Padilla as the sole example of these loses? He's the only liberal poster child for these allegations.
Right to fly? How do you have the right to fly? I am sure that if David Nelson got himself a pilot's license and a plane he could fly all he wants to. as far as flying on a commercial airline, no one has any right to fly.
Right to dissent? How many agents have knocked on your door for your dissention here on A2K? Your allegation is horse pucky.
Access information? FOIA. Otherwise, SOL.
Please. Your list is utter nonsense. You Think you've lost rights, but you haven't. People tell you have, and you want to believe them, but you shouldn't.
hey mcg, just because I happen to follow the issue, why not try to get into the BIA web site (it's a government agency you know and subject to the citizen's right to asscess) but since the courts found the Bush Admin in contempt of court (the Cobell suit) the Bush admin has simply shut-down the BIA site.
That's such crap McG!!!
Just because things haven't happened to me doesn't mean I haven't lost the right, that's the dumbest argument I've ever heard.
The FOIA does not apply to secret documents. There are an unprecedented amount of documents being labelled 'secret' nowdays. Hell, they wouldn't even let Reagan's papers be released, and that's stuff from 20 years ago!
As for the right to fly, actually, you are incorrect. If your name is on the no-fly list, you cannot be given a pilot's license. Makes sense, doesn't it? Therefore, one's right to interstate travel is gone in this case.
Let's say the feds got a tip that I was going to blow something up, regardless of whether it was true or not. Under the patriot act, I could be detained for an undisclosed period of time, in an undisclosed place, with no formal charges against me. They would never have to tell my family where I was. My access to a lawyer would be limited.
Do you deny any of this?
Can you support any of that?