au1929 wrote:Baldimo
Why do you think that we have been lowering the standards for the last decade. By the way it is far longer that the last decade.
They have been lowering the standards because people were not able to meet them. In lowering the standards they allow more children to meet them instead of pushing them to achieve. You can't be successful and lower the standards, it doesn't work that way.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:bullshit baldimo, with all due child left behind got no child left behind the front lines tagged on at the end.....miltary recruiters can go to any school and demand the recors of all male students....if the school refuses they can be hauled in front of a judge...this has already happened....on top of that, the teachers are now merely teaching the tests.......
What is the issue with military recruiters going into the schools? Doesn't the fed govt provide money to the schools? Yes they do, if that is the case then recruiters should be allowed to go into any fed funded school and let students know about the military. Last time I checked it was the military that kept us safe and allowed the US to have the freedoms we currently have. The military should be allowed to recruit the best and the brightest if they want to join. Remember we have an all-voluntary military, and no one is forced to join. If the schools want to keep out the military then the govt should cut their funding. Without the military our country isn't safe!
The teachers are teaching the tests because that is all that is really needed. As someone else stated, if the tests test basic knowledge then if they pass the test then they should have the basic skills. If the teachers don't want to be held accountable then they should find another job.