Fri 15 Apr, 2016 09:41 am
So there was no person other than Nichiren Daishonin, who inscribed this Gohonzon even though there were many high-grade priests during the Former, Middle and Latter Day of the Law. [This is from Nichiren Shu magazine.]
Is high-grade priests OK? I think it should be high-calibre priests?
High-Grade Priest would make for a great comic book superhero/protagonist.
1. of excellent or superior quality.
2. (of ore) yielding a relatively large amount of the metal for which it is mined.
verb (used with object), high-graded, high-grading.
3. to steal (rich ore) from a mine.
Origin of high-grade Expand
As Engineer pointed out, neither high-grade or high-caliber priests are a real theological thing. His high-ranking adjective is correct.