bla bla bla.... just so you know: i never said I was skinny... you just directly assumed somebody that is a model is as thin as a leaf...OOOOPPPSSSSS!!!!
Second: "the crap" was there in the first place cause you called me insecure and bla bla bla.... and you immediately assumed i meant i´m pretty and the rest are not... AGAIN YOUR PREJUDICE OPINION
ONCE AGAIN: if you don´t like other people interacting in your threads, don´t post on public forum sites: make your own where nobody but those who agree with you can post.....
i have responded to several thread.... a lot are about homosexuals and homosexuality, yes.... it may be because i´m a lesbian and i may be more interested about those threads a lot more than about...... others?
anyway, taking on account you judged me so freely and generously, i´m going to allow myself to do just that: i think you come here every single moment you can cause you feel secure behind the screen and behave in a way you wouldn´t dare on the real life.... If you just reply to anybody who posted condemning your comments(that were a few but, in a manner typical of your style, you focused on someone in particular just because) just explaining what you meant .... oh!, of course!.. you would then lose the opportunity to throw all your frustrations on somebody´s face....
One again.... that´s the pot...
(by the way, i wouldn´t call any of those two beautiful women "fat"... and assuming somebody with a thin constitution think they are better than the rest it´s exactly what you are accusing others to do: demonizing a woman because of her weight)