Republican Convention

Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2004 06:13 pm

What exactly are you talking about? The Republicans don't make a habit of disrupting others' Conventions. The Democrats and the hoodlums aligned with them do. It isn't 'scripted' to act decently. It is a sign of appreciation for free speech of others, of fair play, and of character.

They will be responsible for everything that happens in NY. They had better hope there are no terrorist events, or no one is hurt.

The Dems are still trying to attract and retain some Middle Americans, and thoughtful independants. I am actually glad the fruits and nuts of the party will be out in all their glory. Causing traffic pile-ups and stretching the police thin is no way to win or hold on to the votes they seek.

It will be easy to contrast the two parties--with them showing their collective ass so close to election.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2004 06:26 pm
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2004 06:31 pm
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2004 06:57 pm
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2004 06:58 pm
Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2004 06:59 pm
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil


< Rolling Eyes >
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2004 07:21 pm
Sofia wrote:
They will be responsible for everything that happens in NY. They had better hope there are no terrorist events, or no one is hurt.

Don't you mean al-Qaeda?

I just don't think (even as you twirl and spin yourself into the ground, Missy) that you'll be able to convince a single soul that people protesting the Fascist National Convention in two weeks can bring about a terrorist attack.

But you keep whirling, you little dervish. :wink:
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 12:40 am
Sofia wrote:
The Dems are still trying to attract and retain some Middle Americans, and thoughtful independants. I am actually glad the fruits and nuts of the party will be out in all their glory. Causing traffic pile-ups and stretching the police thin is no way to win or hold on to the votes they seek.

It will be easy to contrast the two parties--with them showing their collective ass so close to election.


Bring 'em on!
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 04:42 am
Okay, here's the big idea. We first make sure that all the liberal (heh-heh) press is covering all the hoo-ha about permits and crap. None of these groups are Democrats per se they are all wackos of every stripe but we keep making sure that that never gets emphasized. Call any reporter who says it and say 'Hey, we think any opposition to the President is opposition' or something profound like that.
Then we get them to show all the pics from the WTO protests especially the busted window stuff and the big messes and run the story of the Kerry press conference on the environment right next to it. (The Post did a beautiful job of this yesterday.) and so connect the two --Democrats and anarchists-- I love it.

Better than that, the sheeple will believe it. Our own little dullards who think we are in it for them when what we really want is four more years of sticking our snouts into the public trough up to our ears. My favorite part is when one of the flock says that we are the party of character and morality, I shriek with laughter unless someone is looking, because we are against Razz Razz (oh, gasp) abortion and gay marriage, the country is coming down around their necks but they still think those two things have some I don't know what, and you know what? I don't care. We'll say all kinds of things about gays and abortion and guns, don't forget guns, as long as we don't have to talk about jobs. Or complicated things like treaties. Or other countries.

Gotta go kids.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 04:49 am
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

You should have gone with: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Evil or Very Mad Razz Mad Confused Idea
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 06:10 am
Good choice, cav.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 06:16 am
Brand X wrote:
revel wrote:
Brand X wrote:
Sofia wrote:
Why is it that the Republicans allowed the Democrats to have their Convention--but the Democrats can't seem to do the same? (Here's one difference between the Dems and the GOP.)

I would have been embarrassed and angry if my political party 'infiltrated' the Opposition's Convention, and acted like a bunch of ill-mannered delinquents. How high school. Don't confuse this type of attack with protest.

But, let them be seen for what they are. If there is a terrorist event that 'gets through' because police are tied up with Democrat bullshit, it will never be forgotten. This stupidity will just overextend police. And, this year, NY needs all the police they can get.

Quite a Contrast would you say?

The Republicans will gain points due to their own decent behavior during the Democratic convention.

Decent behavior or scripted behavior?


What does that have to do with the Dem convention?

If it was as open as this AP article suggest, Repubs intent on disrupting the Dem convention would have been in there doing it, eh?

If they were in fact in there and no disruption then I call that decent behavior not scripted.

There was disruptions at some of Kerry's campaign speeches. Bush does not have that problem because he don't let anyone near him that is not a supporter which makes it scripted. The article is not really talking about the Republican convention, but the Bush/Cheney campaign in general and how it has been run up to date. I think that I should not have used it for this particular thread since it is about the conventions, but the words "decent behavior" caught my eye in light of an article I just read before coming here and I posted it.

The Bush campaign billed his visit to Beaverton as a chance for ordinary citizens to pose questions to the president.

But first, his audience at "Ask President Bush" heard a 21-minute speech from Bush. Then there were 22 minutes of testimonials on his domestic policies from four supporters. After that, Bush moved into a second speech lasting 24 minutes on terrorism and Iraq (news - web sites), along with a few comments about his meetings with world leaders.

His audience did not mind waiting more than an hour for the question-and-answer session. This was no town hall appearance before a cross-section of citizens. Bush-Cheney re-election headquarters had instructed Oregon campaign officials to distribute tickets, so the school gymnasium was filled last Friday with 2,000 passionate Bush backers.

By contrast, most of Kerry's events are open to the public, though there have been some town hall events that are invitation-only. For certain appearances, the Kerry campaign has distributed tickets to the local party, unions and other supporters.

But Kerry spokesman David Wade said that any member of the public can get a ticket from a local campaign office or from the affiliated groups on a first-come, first-served basis. Many people are admitted without any ticket.

"I think America deserves a president who is willing to talk to anybody, I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican or independent," Kerry said Friday.

Kerry's more open approach carries political risks. Sometimes protesters show up and try to disrupt his appearances. To get across their point that Kerry is a flip-flopper, they often clap flip-flop sandals over their heads, and chant, "Four more years!"

Such dissent is never a problem for Bush.

When the time came to "Ask President Bush" Friday, none of his 16 questioners challenged him on his policies. Several did not ask questions at all, but simply voiced their support.

"If it wasn't for your tax cuts and your stimulus and your steady hand since 9/11, my job would never happen," one man said.

"Could you take a moment to pray for Oregon, for us, right now?" asked one questioner. (Bush declined.)

"Mr. President, as a child, how can I help you get votes?" another audience member inquired.

"Thank you for serving!"

"My husband and my twins and I pray for you daily, as do many home schoolers. Thank you for recognizing home schoolers."

Bush campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel said the Bush team strives to draw some undecided voters to each event, though he could not estimate how many typically attend. There appear to be few fence-sitters at Bush's events, where audiences frequently interrupt the president to cheer.

The president's events are not designed to convert Kerry backers, but rather energize Bush's base, aides say.

"The thousands of people at these events are the messengers for the campaign," Stanzel said. "They go out and spread the message, whether it's at their place of business or their VFW or sportsman's club or just in their neighborhood."

Bush's camp has taken other measures to keep non-supporters out of Bush's events.

Last month, some Democrats who signed up to hear Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) speak near Albuquerque, N.M., were refused tickets unless they signed a pledge to endorse Bush. The Bush campaign described the measure as a security step designed to avoid a disruption it contended had been planned.

Campaign spokesman Dan Foley said people calling for tickets from an anti-Bush group's telephone line underwent screening. Those seeking to attend the speech but giving false names were denied tickets, he said.

Bush's admission policy can leave the impression that the president has strong support wherever he goes.

Labor unions traditionally align with Democrats and have not been particularly friendly to Bush. So when Bush spoke at a Las Vegas union hall Thursday, the campaign used its usual ticket distribution policy to pack the hall with backers.

The crowd roared its approval throughout the speech. Some tickets were also given to union members. A few of them sat silently in the back rows.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 08:59 am
Interesting, the alleged boss of the a2k conservatives McGentrix has still not give a statment...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 06:43 pm
PDiddie wrote:
Sofia wrote:
They will be responsible for everything that happens in NY. They had better hope there are no terrorist events, or no one is hurt.

Don't you mean al-Qaeda?

I just don't think (even as you twirl and spin yourself into the ground, Missy) that you'll be able to convince a single soul that people protesting the Fascist National Convention in two weeks can bring about a terrorist attack.

But you keep whirling, you little dervish. :wink:

Very straight forward, actually.

When a citizen/s is purposefully breaking the law, or causing mass confusion--which requires the focus of the cops--and due to this purposeful distraction of law enforcement's assets, some other tragedy occurs, or worse, it PROVIDES COVER for a planned attack--those who created the distraction are partially culpable in whatever the result is.

The cops are in enough danger, and have enough REAL threats to worry about and people to protect. I have no respect for anyone who would intentionally make their jobs so much harder. How quickly the Dems forgot about the NY cops bravery during 911. How callous it is to do this to them.

But...let the Dems show who they really are. I'm sure the cameras will get it all. Great PR. <heh>

(This may be the best thing in quite a while for Bush.)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 06:48 pm
- Former U.S. Vice-President Dan Quayle
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 06:53 pm
"The policeman isn't there to create disorder; the policeman is there to preserve disorder."

-- Richard J Daley, mayor of Chicago, referring to events in the streets of his city during the 1968 Democratic Convention
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Tue 17 Aug, 2004 11:34 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
Okay, here's the big idea. We first make sure that all the liberal (heh-heh) press is covering all the hoo-ha about permits and crap. None of these groups are Democrats per se they are all wackos of every stripe but we keep making sure that that never gets emphasized.

Of every stripe? Then why were they not swarming at the Democrat convention? They may not all be "Democrats," but they are, overwhelmingly, all way left of center.

Call any reporter who says it and say 'Hey, we think any opposition to the President is opposition' or something profound like that.
Then we get them to show all the pics from the WTO protests especially the busted window stuff and the big messes and run the story of the Kerry press conference on the environment right next to it. (The Post did a beautiful job of this yesterday.) and so connect the two --Democrats and anarchists-- I love it.

How much you want to bet that windows are going to break this time too?
What I don't understand is why Liberals want to disavow their wild children? They didn't happen to gather at the Democratic convention, but it seems certain they will be there in New York. These are unaligned extremists?

Better than that, the sheeple will believe it. Our own little dullards who think we are in it for them when what we really want is four more years of sticking our snouts into the public trough up to our ears.

This "sheeple" bit seems to be a favorite of late for you Joe. Not in the least an elitist attitude. But of course everyone who disagrees with Joe Nation must be a dullard.

My favorite part is when one of the flock says that we are the party of character and morality, I shriek with laughter unless someone is looking, because we are against Razz Razz (oh, gasp) abortion and gay marriage, the country is coming down around their necks but they still think those two things have some I don't know what, and you know what? I don't care. We'll say all kinds of things about gays and abortion and guns, don't forget guns, as long as we don't have to talk about jobs. Or complicated things like treaties. Or other countries.

Geez I love this sort of Joycian stream of consciousness shite. Gonzo posting. How hip!

What fools these mortals be for presuming that the killing of unborn children can ever rise to the level of importance reserved for jobs and treaties!

Gotta go kids.

Bye Daddio.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Wed 18 Aug, 2004 03:57 am
Hey, we're all set. I just got off the phone with the liberal media, both of them, (my joke) and here's the way it's going to go down.

There's going to be about 250,000 protesters marching down 7th Avenue but, just like the war protests, they are not going to show how many normal looking, regular New Jersey moms there are in the crowd, no no, they're going to go to a three second - wide shot lead-in from so far out that you won't be able to read any of the signs.

(What a laff, they spend three hours carrying a sign and nobody gets to read it.)

Then they are going to ignore any of the speechs, not interview any of the people on the street, they are just going to cut to the fist fights.
Heh heh, that's right, we got the same guys from last time to promise to pound a little on each other. I love the irony, a quarter of a million people standing up for freedom and the liberal media shows three guys from Brooklyn trading shoves.

(Hey, we're having a little contest here at the re-election HQ, trying to come up with new words to People so we can sing it together when we are yukking it up in Georgetown (that's our joke name for Washington.) Anyway, it goes :

Sheeple, sheeple who need sheeple...

but then we're stuck because Finny says we should use creeple in there someway and I say that creeple isn't a word and he says neither is sheeple. But, it's still my favorite. It is.

Hey, did I mention that there will be a march of some twelve thousand women "trying to remind the nation that abortion should remain safe and legal in this country."? Yeah, nobody's going to cover it. There's a coin show at the Javitts Center.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 12:10 am
Joe Nation wrote:
Hey, we're all set. I just got off the phone with the liberal media, both of them, (my joke) and here's the way it's going to go down.

There's going to be about 250,000 protesters marching down 7th Avenue but, just like the war protests, they are not going to show how many normal looking, regular New Jersey moms there are in the crowd, no no, they're going to go to a three second - wide shot lead-in from so far out that you won't be able to read any of the signs.

(What a laff, they spend three hours carrying a sign and nobody gets to read it.)

Then they are going to ignore any of the speechs, not interview any of the people on the street, they are just going to cut to the fist fights.
Heh heh, that's right, we got the same guys from last time to promise to pound a little on each other. I love the irony, a quarter of a million people standing up for freedom and the liberal media shows three guys from Brooklyn trading shoves.

(Hey, we're having a little contest here at the re-election HQ, trying to come up with new words to People so we can sing it together when we are yukking it up in Georgetown (that's our joke name for Washington.) Anyway, it goes :

Sheeple, sheeple who need sheeple...

but then we're stuck because Finny says we should use creeple in there someway and I say that creeple isn't a word and he says neither is sheeple. But, it's still my favorite. It is.

Hey, did I mention that there will be a march of some twelve thousand women "trying to remind the nation that abortion should remain safe and legal in this country."? Yeah, nobody's going to cover it. There's a coin show at the Javitts Center.

Keep trying Joe, perhaps there's a publisher out there that needs a loss leader for tax purposes.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 12:16 am
Finn, was that a shot at Joe's writing? From you? Ha! Thanks! That's the best laugh I've had all day.
0 Replies

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