@cicerone imposter,
Thats why Trump scares me. Is he going to start rounding up all Muslims and throwing them into camps until "muslim extremism" is irradicated? Just his fear speech sets off white supremisist idiots. And fear of the unknown, aka, Obama the "black president" has caused fools to shoot up Sieks! A very religious form of Hinduism, cuz those idiots cant tell the difference. Ignorance and a complete undesire to get to understand people, creates hate and fear.
Christians had control of Jeruselem for 200 years. In that time, many people were born christian there, it became a city of tolerance for the muslim populations. A city of peace where all pilgrims were accepted, christian, jewish, and muslim. The people born and raised there had respect for the muslim populations, even the king. Saladin did not bother Jeruselem, as long as the muslim population was left unmolested. Then the king died. His sister married and made king, a brute of a man. Then new crusaders from Europe came. They had no tolerance or understanding of the people. They started slaughtering caravans and harrassing the natives. Well, we know what happened.
Because of the bigotry, hate, and lack of desire to understand a people, war happened, and many innocent people were killed. Christians lost Jereselum. Im not saying that would not have happened eventually anyway, but the intolerance of difference made it happen sooner.
Understanding peoples differences have never hurt anyone. Rejecting difference and disrespecting it always has a bad ending.