Thu 12 Aug, 2004 02:55 pm
N.J. governor is outta closet, and jobNote: McGreevey also was involved in some financial scandals -- anyone from the Garden State care to fill us in on the details?
What a putz! Endangering his wife. His kids are gonna be basket cases. At least he spared the state of NJ a little agony.
I luaghed so hard I was crying when I received the CNN newsbreak email. I had read an earlier article about McGreevey and how he ran his campaign... My sides still hurt...
Nice, McGentrix.
Joe, this is what the Yahoo article I saw ("5 minutes ago") said:
It gets even better.
There are also reports that he attempted to appoint a middle eastern man to head NJ homeland security, but the guy failed the background check.
Your choices have consequences, guvna.
Let me clarify that last post a bit with some updated info:
WABC-TV of New York reported that McGreevey was expecting a lawsuit by a former aide accusing him of sexual harassment. The station identified the former aide as Golan Cipel, who resigned as McGreevey's security adviser in 2002 after months of questioning about his credentials and job qualifications.
A former Israeli sailor and a published poet, Cipel, 33, was criticized because he did not have a security clearance or law enforcement background. He had worked in television news and public relations.
Reality check from the Yahoo article:
Quote:McGreevey would be the second governor to resign in weeks, following the resignation in June of Connecticut GOP Gov. John Rowland amid corruption investigations and threats of impeachment.
I didn't remember Democrats here crowing about that, did a check to be sure. Nothin'.
Sounds like this guy had so many skeletons in his closet that he had to come out of it!
//Thank you, I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitress.
Just don't tip her over<bada bing>
Sounds like a corrupt politician to me. Good for NJ that he's gone.
Now, if only we could get all the other corrupt politicians, gay AND straight, to resign ..........
It took a lot of balls <no pun intended> :wink: for the Governor to come out of the closet. I have to respect him for doing that and taking personal responsibility for his actions. More politicians and CEO's should follow his lead but I know they won't.
Are you kidding, the only reason he announced he was gay was to divert attention from him being corrupt and a cheater.
It seems like it rather drew attention to the fact he was a cheater.
I like angie's take.
Of course I'm serious...LOL
If he were a republican, he would have stayed in the closet and let the corruption continue until he was busted.
He acknowledged the difficulties in his administration and is taking responsibility for them.
I wish George Bush would do the same.
He was close to being publicly exposed, that is why he resigned, that is the only reason he made the announcement now, otherwise he would still be in the closet.
I think his problems got to be too much for him all at once. I admire him for getting out and not dragging his party down...especially with the upcoming Presidential election in November. I don't believe in kicking a man when he's down.
Yea, what a guy, a saint!
What is up with politicians these days? Geesh! We've had our share in NC, too. The sad part, aside from ruining their childrens reputations in the process since they are public figures, is that it also sours our children on being political participants. They see this stuff and start thinking everyone's corrupt and amoral.
No matter the party, if you cross the line too badly you have to pay the consequences. I won't miss him.
cjhsa wrote:Let me clarify that last post a bit with some updated info:
WABC-TV of New York reported that McGreevey was expecting a lawsuit by a former aide accusing him of sexual harassment. The station identified the former aide as Golan Cipel, who resigned as McGreevey's security adviser in 2002 after months of questioning about his credentials and job qualifications.
A former Israeli sailor and a published poet, Cipel, 33, was criticized because he did not have a security clearance or law enforcement background. He had worked in television news and public relations.
I read that's the guy expected to file sexual harrassment charges if the governor wouldn't buy him off!