Life... wrote:
Quote:Where in the process does it lose it's morality if employed as birth control, (which is exactly how it is used most of the time) and it remains somehow moral if used otherwise ?
You were challenged on that.
Now you are bringing Planned Parenthood statistics into play....and using them so selectively, I wonder how you can ever reconcile your nonsense with your god....whom you say does not like such stuff.
Here is the part that you quoted:
Even if that were the end of that section (which it isn't)....and even if those statistics bear out your contention that abortion is mostly used as birth control (which it doesn't)...the fact remains that the statistic contends that half the pregnancies among American women are unintended....and half of that half are ended by abortion.
You still do not have a your statement suggested.
Under any circumstances...the section goes on to say:
Quote:Women can expect to have 1.42 unintended pregnancies by the time they are 45, and 43% of women will have an abortion.
9 in 10 women at risk of unintended pregnancy are using a contraceptive method. 53% of women who have unintended pregnancies were using a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant, although usually not correctly every time.
90% ARE using contraceptive methods that are not abortion. Abortion is the method of last resort to end an unwanted pregnancy. To suggest that women are so stupid they would use abortion as a method of birth control is simply too idiotic to take seriously.
A woman faced with an unintended and unwanted pregnancy has a right to terminate the pregnancy. I don't give a goddam that your idiotic, barbaric, murderous god supposedly is offended by that.
It is not murder. It truly is not killing.
It is an abortion....the termination of a pregnancy....something that happens naturally very, very frequently.
One of the reasons why those of us who are not part of the superstition called religion have to fight you with such because you want to impose your silly views on the rest of us.
Timber...I appreciate your position in this....but you are dead wrong if you are arguing that abortion ought to be made illegal. A woman has every right to decide if she should continue an unwanted pregnancy...or to terminate it.
No moral or natural implications arise from the decision. It is her's alone to make!