cicerone imposter wrote:Some people refuse to read what is posted, and assume their own interpretation. So, I repost a segment of my above post.
"That tiny growth, that mass of protoplasm, exists as a part of a woman's body. It is not an independently existing, biologically formed organism, let alone a person."
Well now that you put it in
bold print, why it makes perfect sense! Wonder why I didn't see that before?
Maybe you should post everything in bold, Imposter. Bold print seems to do Frank a world of good. Quite cathartic, I would think. So much classier than typing in all caps !
If you cannot recognize that a baby in utero with it's own DNA, it's own beating heart, etc is not a part of the mother, well I don't know what to tell you except that you are willing to hold to this man's opinion, whoever he is, as if it were the Voice of God talking to you.
Just keep repeating his words to yourself, maybe you'll be able to keep having faith in him.
Meanwhile these little blobs you are trying so hard to ignore are being sliced and dismembered, burnt and sucked into vacuum cleaners every day. You would be jailed if you treated a kitten or puppy that way.