@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:Jesus was a solid flesh-and-blood MAN, not a "religion", beats me why atheists don't like him..
I can't speak for every atheist. But not everything Jesus has suppose to have said is very wise at all. Like him commenting on disowning your own family members if they are not followers. That he will turn family members against each other because they simply do not believe. Not very loving at all.
Cursing the fig tree for not bearing fruit? It is an analogy for a person who does not believe. They should be cast down and tortured (burned) for not believing? Really? That is a good thing?
I don't think atheists hate or dislike Jesus. They don't see the validity in the claims about him. The myths are just not believable. But christians love to invent this idea that atheists loath and despise jesus. No, not the case.
Most atheists are open to theists supplying them with good enough information that would allow them to make a rational decision to base a belief on. So far none have at least not for me anyways. Does that mean I hate jesus? No. It just means I don't buy all the myths and stories attributed to him.