booman2 wrote:Actually, Buhdism has more in common with thought, and philosophy, than religion. So I can undestand an atheist, giving consideration to Buhdism, it has LOGIC, and THOUGHT, alien components of cristianity, and Islam.
Some common definitions of Buddhism:
from :
Main Entry: Bud·dhism
Pronunciation: 'bü-"di-z&m, 'bu-
Function: noun
: a religion of eastern and central Asia growing out of the teaching of Gautama Buddha that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification
from :
Bud·dhism (bū'dĭz'əm, bʊd'ĭz'-) pronunciation
1. The teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct, wisdom, and meditation releases one from desire, suffering, and rebirth.
2. The religion represented by the many groups, especially numerous in Asia, that profess varying forms of this doctrine and that venerate Buddha.
You may want to try to sell Buddhism as a "philosophy" so that folks may not realize what they are buying, but it is commonly understood to qualify as one of the world's major religions.
It's central teachings have to do with solving the problem of suffering or evil in the world by working one's way out, and to a state of Nirvana.