Which Religion is the One True Religion?

real life
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 10:30 am
neologist wrote:
First a few criteria:

The true religion would:

Have no rituals or images as the true God could not possibly be enhanced by them.

Have no formal collections or fund raising as the true God would certainly inspire his followers to provide necessary funds when needed.

Have no political connections as the true God would be the God of all people without borders or tribal distinctions.

Have no members who practice crimes such as thievery, assault, rape or murder.

Have no need for armies as the true God would be able to protect his people.

Have an easily understandable message for humankind and some method or organization to deliver it.

So the True Religion , or the Perfect Religion would only have members who do not sin? Is that what we are getting at?

They would never be angry, gossip, cut corners or cheat or give into temptation at any time. Naturally then, being perfect people they would not commit bigger sins such as adultery, theft , murder, lying , etc.

In short the Perfect Religion would never need to teach anyone anything because it's adherents would already know it and be practicing it without a hitch.

If, however, this Religion did exist, you could not be a member and neither could I.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 10:32 am
real life wrote:

If, however, this Religion did exist, you could not be a member and neither could I.

Maybe that's the point.....why does a religion have to promise that all it's practioners can go to heaven. Maybe xGod doesn't want you there.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 10:55 am
real life wrote:
neologist wrote:
First a few criteria:

The true religion would:

Have no rituals or images as the true God could not possibly be enhanced by them.

Have no formal collections or fund raising as the true God would certainly inspire his followers to provide necessary funds when needed.

Have no political connections as the true God would be the God of all people without borders or tribal distinctions.

Have no members who practice crimes such as thievery, assault, rape or murder.

Have no need for armies as the true God would be able to protect his people.

Have an easily understandable message for humankind and some method or organization to deliver it.

So the True Religion , or the Perfect Religion would only have members who do not sin? Is that what we are getting at?

They would never be angry, gossip, cut corners or cheat or give into temptation at any time. Naturally then, being perfect people they would not commit bigger sins such as adultery, theft , murder, lying , etc.

In short the Perfect Religion would never need to teach anyone anything because it's adherents would already know it and be practicing it without a hitch.

If, however, this Religion did exist, you could not be a member and neither could I.
The criteria was "Have no members who practice crimes such as thievery, assault, rape or murder." We all sin, sometimes seriously. If we continue practicing sin after having come to a knowledge of the truth, could we reasonably expect God's favor?

I left out the gossip, cheating, etc. because it seemed like the best way to make my point. I'm sorry if it led to confusion.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:00 am
maporsche wrote:

Why does the mere existence of a man named Jesus around 2000 years ago give credence to your claim that he is the one true god himself?

Jesus claimed to be God. If He is not, then you have two basic options:

1) He lied. He knew He was not God but said He was. He was not "merely a good man" or a "great teacher" at all. If this is true, He was an unabashed fraud and deceiver.

2) He did not lie. He truly thought He was God, but was not. He was delusionally insane.

If one of these is your choice, can you explain how a bold faced liar or a lunatic could live a life that has impacted the human race far greater than any other single human being, has inspired more people to live out their lives in service to others, and produced teachings on morality, etc that have shaped nations that have produced the freest societies on earth?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:02 am
maporsche wrote:
Well, what you said was "Have no formal collections or fund raising as the true God would certainly inspire his followers to provide necessary funds when needed." This caveat would corrupt your religion.
I'm sorry to have made a confusing statement. I have a tendency to do that when I strive for simplicity. How could one describe a situation where whatever the followers find it in their hearts to give, it would be sufficient to carry on the work? That would mean the organization, if there were one, would have to be frugal.

Edited for clarity
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:06 am
real life wrote:
maporsche wrote:

Why does the mere existence of a man named Jesus around 2000 years ago give credence to your claim that he is the one true god himself?

Jesus claimed to be God. If He is not, then you have two basic options:

1) He lied. He knew He was not God but said He was. He was not "merely a good man" or a "great teacher" at all. If this is true, He was an unabashed fraud and deceiver.

2) He did not lie. He truly thought He was God, but was not. He was delusionally insane.

If one of these is your choice, can you explain how a bold faced liar or a lunatic could live a life that has impacted the human race far greater than any other single human being, has inspired more people to live out their lives in service to others, and produced teachings on morality, etc that have shaped nations that have produced the freest societies on earth?

3) He did not actually claim to be God. That pagan concept was inserted into the practice of nominal christainity in the fourth century.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:06 am
real life wrote:
maporsche wrote:

Why does the mere existence of a man named Jesus around 2000 years ago give credence to your claim that he is the one true god himself?

Jesus claimed to be God. If He is not, then you have two basic options:

1) He lied. He knew He was not God but said He was. He was not "merely a good man" or a "great teacher" at all. If this is true, He was an unabashed fraud and deceiver.

2) He did not lie. He truly thought He was God, but was not. He was delusionally insane.

That is a stretch.

He easily could think he was God (and not be)...and not be delusionally insane.

He could have been taught by his mother that he was god...and simply grew up accepting that as truth.

Happens all the time. People are taught by their parents that certain things are so (like, the god described in the Bible is actually GOD)....and accept it.

They are not delusionally insane.

They are merely delusional.

If one of these is your choice, can you explain how a bold faced liar or a lunatic could live a life that has impacted the human race far greater than any other single human being, has inspired more people to live out their lives in service to others, and produced teachings on morality, etc that have shaped nations that have produced the freest societies on earth?


Just have a good message.

But as for the "freest societies on earth"....that, my friend, is delusional.

Free societies on the planet happen despite religions....despite Christianity....not because of it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:32 am
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible. Other phrases and verses have been added that are not accurate or are fabrications, things made up, to benefit someone's age-old political agenda. Some could be just mistakes.

The works of biblical scholars, who generally have studied or have degrees also in archeology and linguistics are readily available from book stores and libraries.

In all fairness to those who tampered with, or decided which books to include, or not, in the Christian bible, those missing teachings were primarily for the disciples because they were "ready" to understand.

It took almost 4 centuries to cement the authority of the Catholic Church over humanity's spirituality (in the west). How many people were murdered, how many books, scrolls, were destroyed? These centuries were a time when the largest, most aggressive witch-hunt occured. Unfortunately, the ends does not justify the means, in any way anytime.

In the main, "Immanance," the concept of the indwelling spirit in us all, has been removed from Christian teachings, but other changes and additions leave the teachings confusing.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:32 am
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible. Other phrases and verses have been added that are not accurate or are fabrications, things made up, to benefit someone's age-old political agenda. Some could be just mistakes.

The works of biblical scholars, who generally have studied or have degrees also in archeology and linguistics are readily available from book stores and libraries.

In all fairness to those who tampered with, or decided which books to include, or not, in the Christian bible, those missing teachings were primarily for the disciples because they were "ready" to understand.

It took almost 4 centuries to cement the authority of the Catholic Church over humanity's spirituality (in the west). How many people were murdered, how many books, scrolls, were destroyed? These centuries were a time when the largest, most aggressive witch-hunt occured. Unfortunately, the ends does not justify the means, in any way anytime.

In the main, "Immanance," the concept of the indwelling spirit in us all, has been removed from Christian teachings, but other changes and additions leave the teachings confusing.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:32 am
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible. Other phrases and verses have been added that are not accurate or are fabrications, things made up, to benefit someone's age-old political agenda. Some could be just mistakes.

The works of biblical scholars, who generally have studied or have degrees also in archeology and linguistics are readily available from book stores and libraries.

In all fairness to those who tampered with, or decided which books to include, or not, in the Christian bible, those missing teachings were primarily for the disciples because they were "ready" to understand.

It took almost 4 centuries to cement the authority of the Catholic Church over humanity's spirituality (in the west). How many people were murdered, how many books, scrolls, were destroyed? These centuries were a time when the largest, most aggressive witch-hunt occured. Unfortunately, the ends does not justify the means, in any way anytime.

In the main, "Immanance," the concept of the indwelling spirit in us all, has been removed from Christian teachings, but other changes and additions leave the teachings confusing.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:32 am
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible. Other phrases and verses have been added that are not accurate or are fabrications, things made up, to benefit someone's age-old political agenda. Some could be just mistakes.

The works of biblical scholars, who generally have studied or have degrees also in archeology and linguistics are readily available from book stores and libraries.

In all fairness to those who tampered with, or decided which books to include, or not, in the Christian bible, those missing teachings were primarily for the disciples because they were "ready" to understand.

It took almost 4 centuries to cement the authority of the Catholic Church over humanity's spirituality (in the west). How many people were murdered, how many books, scrolls, were destroyed? These centuries were a time when the largest, most aggressive witch-hunt occured. Unfortunately, the ends does not justify the means, in any way anytime.

In the main, "Immanance," the concept of the indwelling spirit in us all, has been removed from Christian teachings, but other changes and additions leave the teachings confusing.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:32 am
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible. Other phrases and verses have been added that are not accurate or are fabrications, things made up, to benefit someone's age-old political agenda. Some could be just mistakes.

The works of biblical scholars, who generally have studied or have degrees also in archeology and linguistics are readily available from book stores and libraries.

In all fairness to those who tampered with, or decided which books to include, or not, in the Christian bible, those missing teachings were primarily for the disciples because they were "ready" to understand.

It took almost 4 centuries to cement the authority of the Catholic Church over humanity's spirituality (in the west). How many people were murdered, how many books, scrolls, were destroyed? These centuries were a time when the largest, most aggressive witch-hunt occured. Unfortunately, the ends does not justify the means, in any way anytime.

In the main, "Immanance," the concept of the indwelling spirit in us all, has been removed from Christian teachings, but other changes and additions leave the teachings confusing.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 11:43 am
sunlover, You're rationalizing all the problems of the bible. It's either the "word of god" or it isn't. Which is it? Ya can't have it both ways. Do you understand anything about logic?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 12:00 pm
sunlover wrote:
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible.

How the hell do you...or anyone else...know what Jesus taught his disciples in secret?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 12:37 pm
I will hazard a guess that sunlover has had considerable exposure to Catholicism. He probably was taught that repeating the same prayers over and over would merit some special consideration from God.

On this board, however, the repeating of posts merits only http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/spam.gifhttp://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/spam.gifhttp://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/spam.gif

To which some may say YUK!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 12:52 pm
In absence of evidence to the contrary, I gotta figure sunlover's multiple posts was unintentional, innnocent, the result of a glitch hic crops up from time to time when remotely inpoutting to a database - which is, after all, what posting is. Generally, once the "Submit" button has been clicked, the post is transmitted to and incorporated within the database, but for any number of reasons, the user-expected confirmation page or message fails to appear as anticipated on the sender's screen. The sender clicks "Submit" again, sometimes repeatedly, thinking the post has not "gone through", but in fact subsequent submissions each result in additional transmissions of the original message - thus, multiple identical posts.

In short, clicking "Submit" more than once genrally results in duplicate posts. A good practice to employ in the event of an apparent page hang on submission is to first, as a rarely-needed but once-in-a-while convenient precaution, copy the body of the probelmmatic post to your clipboard or to an external text editor, such as Notepad, then to either refresh the page or to right-click on the "Your Posts" link at the top of the page and select "Open in new window", and look to see if the problematic post has indeed been recorded (this generally is what I do - though I screw up once in a while too Embarrassed Rolling Eyes ).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 01:20 pm
Well, yeah, the server was running a bit slow there. So now I guess I should feel guilty about my spam comment.

NYAAH! I like fried Spam with a little cole slaw and baked beans.

Not to mention the mug of IPA! http://www.cascadebrewersguild.org/images/mj_ipa.jpg
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 01:55 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
sunlover wrote:
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible.

How the hell do you...or anyone else...know what Jesus taught his disciples in secret?

Maybe because he has Christ "in" him... Christian or "christ in's"

Colossians 1:27
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

You are so locked in you ways Frank you are almost as a whole frozen... and Frank honestly it is you who is a bore and after discourse of over 5+ years... I have come to the realization that you cannot learn. You do not assimilate one single thing and "frankly" you are hum drum laaa dee daaa dumb...

I only interject because I do not want to leave my fellow Christian brothers at your mercy... which is shoddy at best... My Christian brothers want to learn truth, you want to turn their hearts to ice.

Your abstract arguments are one way ONLY, everything you regurgitate and throw up, your minions eat and barf all over the room too. And you expect us to think you are right? Your words will never amount to one single thing when you are proven wrong by the same God we know intimately.

Jesus did not exist? If I was going to start a discussion about Plato, would I start it out with the argument that he did not even exist? This just shows you are all so desperate, and frozen like Frank... I know your fear, It's alright... Shocked

I also know there are many history scholars that say the time in Rome/Judea was ripe for a "Jesus" and it would be inconceivable if there were not at least one... so there! Josephus also mentions Jesus... I know my history... Your "history" is pure BS... warped by your politics and your fear of the unknown but knowable.

Sixty years ago there were books and books, tons of books, that were written by your buddies, the ageists, the God haters. They plastered their books all over the world.

Their premise was that "ancient Babylon" was just a "myth" and according to their great wisdom and "logic" {which C.I. uses exclusively} of things... so the rest of the Bible must be a myth too. So no one has to believe the Bible because Babylon is a myth!!!! Yea!!!!

Well, when the ancient "BIBLICAL" city of Babylon was unearthed in modern day Iraq, many books written by your God rejecting ilk were literally thrown in the trash... BABYLON THE GREAT MYTH OF THE BIBLE!!!! hehe, what a joke...

When you see Jesus returning in the clouds, I hope your soul is prepared, and you are not struck with on big giant, WTF!!!

My suggestion... maybe you should brush up on your Bible before you start telling Christian believers what Jesus says and means...

...AND WEAR DEPENDS... to avoid that not so fresh feeling. Smile
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 02:11 pm
RexRed wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
sunlover wrote:
Some of the teachings of Jesus, what he taught the disciples in secret, are missing from the bible.

How the hell do you...or anyone else...know what Jesus taught his disciples in secret?

Maybe because he has Christ "in" him... Christian or "christ in's"

Colossians 1:27
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

You are so locked in you ways Frank you are almost as a whole frozen... and Frank honestly it is you who is a bore and after discourse of over 5+ years... I have come to the realization that you cannot learn. You do not assimilate one single thing and "frankly" you are hum drum laaa dee daaa dumb...

I only interject because I do not want to leave my fellow Christian brothers at your mercy... which is shoddy at best... My Christian brothers want to learn truth, you want to turn their hearts to ice.

Your abstract arguments are one way ONLY, everything you regurgitate and throw up, your minions eat and barf all over the room too. And you expect us to think you are right? Your words will never amount to one single thing when you are proven wrong by the same God we know intimately.

Jesus did not exist? If I was going to start a discussion about Plato, would I start it out with the argument that he did not even exist? This just shows you are all so desperate, and frozen like Frank... I know your fear, It's alright... Shocked

I also know there are many history scholars that say the time in Rome/Judea was ripe for a "Jesus" and it would be inconceivable if there were not at least one... so there! Josephus also mentions Jesus... I know my history... Your "history" is pure BS... warped by your politics and your fear of the unknown but knowable.

Sixty years ago there were books and books, tons of books, that were written by your buddies, the ageists, the God haters. They plastered their books all over the world.

Their premise was that "ancient Babylon" was just a "myth" and according to their great wisdom and "logic" {which C.I. uses exclusively} of things... so the rest of the Bible must be a myth too. So no one has to believe the Bible because Babylon is a myth!!!! Yea!!!!

Well, when the ancient "BIBLICAL" city of Babylon was unearthed in modern day Iraq, many books written by your God rejecting ilk were literally thrown in the trash... BABYLON THE GREAT MYTH OF THE BIBLE!!!! hehe, what a joke...

When you see Jesus returning in the clouds, I hope your soul is prepared, and you are not struck with on big giant, WTF!!!

My suggestion... maybe you should brush up on your Bible before you start telling Christian believers what Jesus says and means...

...AND WEAR DEPENDS... to avoid that not so fresh feeling. Smile

Get back on your meds, Rex...and then we'll talk.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jul, 2005 02:18 pm
2Ti 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
0 Replies

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