Frank Apisa wrote:Thanks SN and Timber.
I don't think Life is "missing the point"...but rather he is pretending the point is not there.
As SN pointed out, cannot make theft (the illegal taking of property) or murder (the illegal taking of life) legal.
You can make the unwarranted (and perhaps undesirable) taking of property legal...but then it stops being theft. You can make the unwarranted (and perhaps undesirable) taking of life legal...but then it stops being murder.
In any I pointed use the "laws" of the god of the Bible for one's moral absolutes would allow for slavery to be okay; homosexual conduct would be punishable by death; annihilation of enemies after sieges would be the norm; stoning recalcitrant children to death would be allowed....and who knows what else would come from the absurdities contained in that book you hold so precious.
Wake the hell up, man.
Snap out of it! (Spell check used on quote for clarity)
You are quite right Frank. That is, you are right until you forget that you have been thoroughly shown that Christians are no longer under the law. Why should we continue arguing over your refusal to understand? Wake up, Frank. Read the rest.
Your understanding of Hebrew law is more nearly correct and deserving of explanation. You say you know the bible like the back of your hand, so I'll save the scriptural citations for another post:
God's purpose for mankind was and is for them to live forever on earth. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, they would still be here and we would not have war and crime and sickness and death. There would be no slavery. All would be entitled to the fruits of their labors.
The rebellion in Eden changed man's physical and moral perfection, enslaving all of mankind to sickness and death. God promised a redemption which would eventually come through Jesus, but allowed (what to us seems an interminable) time for the allegations made and implied by Satan to be proven false beyond any doubt. The last six thousand years have shown man to be unable to govern his own affairs and that governments and religious institutions under Satan's influence have dominated man to his injury. (I realize this assertion is subject to dispute, but it seemed obvious even to Solomon.)
There have been many promises made by God to mankind, but one very significant one for this argument is that all who never knew God shall be given the opportunity to experience the life which Adam and Eve lost. The promise applies to all, no matter what the circumstances of one's life and death may have been.
So, the Canaanite children who were made to pass through the fire will be included. Their parents who suffered unimaginable anguish will be included. Soldiers sacrificed to the god of war will be included. Slaves who were cruelly treated will be included, as will be their masters who may have perished mercifully in their sleep.
This promise is in the bible Frank; I know you have read it. I'm not asking you to believe it. I'm not expecting you even to acknowledge it. Just know it is there.
The point is that after you have lived for, lets say, 500 years, would you thank God for the life he has given you or curse him for the 50 or so years you suffered from some injustice or malady?
God gave the Jews the law to separate them from other nations and to serve as a tutor leading to Christ. It was impossible for an imperfect human to follow. Christ not only followed it but fulfilled it by acting as the high priest for his own perfect sacrifice.
The law does seem harsh but it is a perfect reflection of God's understanding of the nature of sin. This post is already longer than I would wish, so I'll get to the biggie: Homosexuality is not part of God's purpose for mankind. The punishment under the law was death. The punishment under Christian law is expulsion from the congregation (spiritual death). Will these ones live again? I believe so. Will they continue as homosexuals? Not according to God's purpose. (I realize modern thinking views homosexuality as not subject to choice, but rather as a manifestation of some hormonal or hypothalamic idiosyncrasy. I submit it may certainly be a Hobsons choice.)
As for slavery, I've already addressed the issue of timing in an earlier post. It was permitted and regulated under the law. One of the regulations allowed for a slave to forego his release and serve his master permanently. Why would anyone want that?
We are all involuntary slaves to the god of sickness and death. If we hope for anything better, we must choose to become slaves to the God life.
If you believe the bible, that is.