Frank Apisa wrote:
Well, moron, he also could have not put them in the position he did....or he could have simply forgiven them for a fairly benign act....or he could have forgiven them because they did not even know there was such a thing as disobedience....and they did not know the difference between good and evil. Or he could have punished them and not the entire goddam rest of mankind.
Frank; You have so many words in your post, a moron the likes of me can hardly keep up. What amazes me is how I, a complete dullard, can possibly understand something that escapes your magnificent intellect:
Adam and Eve were created as perfect moral agents. Their perfect consciences prevented them from stealing, for example, or committing any other sins that may have come into their minds. There was only one sin they
could commit. Their eating of the fruit was more than just a dietary indiscretion. It represented their choice to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad.
These folks were mentally perfect, Frank. I know this may come as a surprise both to you and to the readers of this thread, but they were
even smarter than you.
They knew what they were doing. Like you, Satan, another smart fellow, believed that God would have to either forgive them or execute them on the spot. Either course would have meant God would have to abandon his purpose. God's name, Jehovah, means 'he who causes to become'. So, this rebellion was more than just a speed bump in history. It has called into question God's right to be God.
Apparently, up until now, you are in agreement with the naysayers.