timberlandko wrote:
There is neither proof nor disproof for the paranormal - by definition the paranormal is unproveable. Agnostiscism is the only logical option.
Interesting. Consider that what is considered unprovable today, may not be considered so tomorrow.
That is why I used the example of thought . "I have a plan" is thought, nothing more.
Five hundred years ago there was no way to prove the existence of thought. Everyone knew they had thoughts but there was no tangible measuring of them. They might have been labeled "paranormal" by your definition, since they were not provable, only experienced.
Agnosticism might seem the only option if you lack the experience of faith. But Faith, when experienced, is like thought. It may not be "provable" by today's standards but it is experienced. Being "unprovable" does not make it unreal, just unmeasurable.
Since something can be real, though not measured, it cannot be considered illogical simply on the grounds of it's immeasurability. Hence , Faith is a logical position. Agnosticism is not the only logical option.
In short, just because you do not understand something (cannot measure it), does not make it illogical. Something doesn't become true when you understand it. It was true before you understood it. Hence , truth is objective, not subjective.