Wed 11 Aug, 2004 09:24 pm
I need to write this sentance in as many languages as i can. So far I have:
Portuguese: Viu minha lhama?
Spanish: ¿Ha visto usted mi llama?
French: Avez-vous vu mon lama ?
German: Haben Sie mein Lama gesehen?
Italian: Lei ha visto il mio lama?
Dutch: Hebt u mijn llama gezien?
Russian: Вы видели мою ламу?
Norwegian: Ha De sett min llama?
Greek: έχετε δει llama μου;
So check these and add more!! The more exotic the language the better!!
Avehay ouyay eensay ymay amallay?
Oh, Panzade. You are so witty...
Stop please! No I mean it! Stop!
Seriously though, when I was a kid we used Pig Latin to secretely converse in class.
didnt we all? It was a good one to put there, I prob would not have thought of it! Have any others?
No, but if you bug Oristar he'll give it to you in Chinese.
Finnish: oletko nähnyt laamaani?
(i see that all other translations use the polite form, thus in Finnish the same sentence would be: oletteko Te nähnyt laamaani?)
Interesting, Polarbear. What made you want to know that?
Welsh: Ganfuoch 'm lama^?
(A^ is pronounced long, like the A in father)
Hungarian: Láttad az én lámam?
(Incidentally, you'll probably never need to speak our old family language, Avièn, as it's nearly extinct, but if you're looking for something unusual, I thought that I would give you a translation. We would say:
Lamæ at jòæ hen-tù vist?)
Polarbear wrote:Dutch: Hebt u mijn llama gezien?
Well to be really precise, you have to say: Hebt u mijn
lama gezien?
Here's a plain US wifes translation (which can also be considered old family language)
"Llama? When did you get a freakin' llama??? And you won't even let the kids have a cat? But, YOU bring home a llama? What are you NUTS?"
Yes, a language all its own.
Squinney, that was a classic!
Its just a saying I have, along with
"what colour is the yellow line?" (which, incidentaly you can translate too, if you wish!)
I somehow invented them while I was in London, and I'm printing it in all the languages I can get on a Tshirt (bit strange, but go with it...)
Thanks everyone!!
And how do you know Squinney, since you have only been here a few minutes?
Sorry, I was just appreciating Squinney's reply...
I suppose I am too suspicious of seondary polar bears. I'll be quiet for a bit.
"Oh, yes we have no llamas'
We have no llamas today".
Well, if squinney will accept you I suppose I will. Do you have any bananas?