In 1993 republicans and conservative groups were proposing alternative plans to Bill and Hillary Clinton Healthcare Reform. Conservative groups who embraced these alternate plans included both the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. One of those plans was (Health Equity And Access Reform Today Act Of 1993). This bill never got voted on. The point man for this bill was republican Senator John Chafee from Rhode Island. Other republican sponsors to this bill included then Minority Leader Bob Dole from Kansas, Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah, Charles Grassley from Iowa, Richard Lugar from Indiana, as well as 13 other republican senators along with 2 dems sponsors.
Features included in this 1993 republican bill were
1. An individual mandate
2. Creating of Purchasing Pools
3. Standardizing benefits
4. Vouchers for the poor to buy insurance
5. A ban on denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition
I don't know whether or not this is identical to Obamacare. If it isn't identical, it's pretty darn close to being identical. I guess Obamacare was okay in 1993. I guess Obamacare was also okay when Mitt Romney passed it in Massachusetts. Obamacare is okay, just as long it didn't come from Obama..