@Finn dAbuzz,
Meantime, I have a longtime friend who went to a University of California school back in the days of affirmative action. But.. her grades were spectacular in high school. Like her, a bunch of people would have gotten in anyway, given their grades, yet they had to deal with people thinking they were lesser, since she is a latina and may have been assumed to have been "let in". Also, I think I remember, that none of those affirmative action students had grades lower than what was already required before all that. It was more that the administration didn't have to pick the higher grades if there were students in these categories that had the required grades, just not the highest ones. Of course, that always has gone on for athletes and, in some schools, for people whose parents went to the school.
This is a long time ago, and I'm not 100% positive on this, not having been an administrator myself, but fairly sure.