edgarblythe wrote:
But she continued to support this mistake until it hurt her in this election. Then she quit taking prison for profit money. A poll driven, not ethical, choice. One more issue where she was on the wrong side. She enthusiastically supported the illegal invasion of Iraq, she praises Henry Kissinger, she is for the TPP trade bill enthusiastically until she sees the issue going to Sanders, she and so on on most issues. She is a weather vane to the polls.
Unfortunately, we don't get the candidates we deserve, we get the candidates that step forward.
Is Hillary Clinton the perfect choice? No. Is she better than every Republican candidate? Yes, in my opinion.
Is Bernie Sanders the perfect choice? No. Is he better than every Republican candidate? Yes, in my opinion.
One of the great things about the 2008 election cycle was that Democrats had two candidates that we were excited about, and we were less interested in infighting, and going negative, than we were in selecting a nominee and moving on to the general election.
It's sad (and dangerous), to see this kind of
ad hominem attack on Clinton, rather than a discussion of the issues.
You see her as a flip-flopper. I see her as someone who can adopt a new position if she sees that she's wrong. Maybe it takes a while. Maybe her new position is wrong. She's a person, not a paragon of virtue.