Thu 4 Feb, 2016 08:40 pm
I don't get to post and make comments on, long time member, since I don't do Facebook.
This is sick.
They know me as sanddoggy, but that's it.
Has this major place only one outlet to have their members post, that being Facebook?
Think back. Have you in any way made God angry lately? Or, have you had negative thoughts about, or violent feelings toward, Squeakybro?
Yes, of course, but you know I need to affirm my distastes once in a while.
Well, I understand that, but you must keep in mind that there is a price to be paid for affirming your distastes when it comes to God and Squeakybro. Since arguing with him, I have lost my house and car. Turn back and repent . . . NOW, if not yesterday!
I think Glennn hit it on the mark.
Quote:Yes, I asked, no reply.
That means you've done wrong in a big way. You've gone past the point of no return. Wish I could help, but I'm struggling to find a house and a car, and it really ties one up.
Did I tell you I love you, I say laughing?
Ok, back to what is the deal with
Quite a few sites have started using FB as their discussion platform. Not helpful, just commenting that I've noticed it as well.
I tend to use my alter account for those sites <shrugs>
I don't know anything about it, really. But if you give me some names, I can make someone very sorry. I've got nothing to lose, as I've no doubt pissed off both God and Squeakybro. My fate is sealed. I might just as well go down swinging.
The thing is, is a major site.
That it is their only access for commenting among members creeps me out.
We probably could talk. I'm an athiest, lot of us here, no big deal as time goes by.
Meantime I'm irritated on this and that.
Meantime, I think the process is off... presently.
Re the league. I'm flaberguasted that that is all..