Him keeping you in his life is keeping you from meeting other people. So is this bullshit nonsense of seeing each other exclusively when you aren't really dating. It's a possessive dick move.
Break away and be your own person. If that means you need to block and avoid him, then do so. Tell your friends you are single but not necessarily looking right now.
In the meantime, put yourself into positions where you will meet people with interests similar to your own. E. g. if you like to exercise, then go to the gym or go running; if you like movies, join a club and start going; if you like tabletop gaming or knitting there are Meetup groups for that; etc. Meet people and be friendly and charming and enjoy yourself. Occupy your time. Don't try to meet a guy. Just have some fun and make friends.
That is, don't stay at home in misery and making this all seem better than it really was. What you had was someone waffly at best who unfairly kept you hanging on.
Make other friends, and have more activities in your life, and you won't want these halfway measures anymore.