Quote:My cousins might be, but I'm not going to ask from afar.
Yes. I tempered my statement because some will be.
But it has been very interesting to attend to right wing media over the last two years as Francis has revealed his personal understanding of the christian gospel and mission. And that understanding is very far from what is held by Brent Bozell or Richard Viguerie or the catholic writers at NRO, to name just a few catholics with a high profile in US conservatism - the responsibility of the wealthy to look out for those far less well off, his initiatives on global warming, etc. These are anathema to modern right wing Catholic ideology. The Catholic League's Bill Donohue has been particularly interesting for me to watch. He is as cold-hearted and compassionless a bully as either Trump or Cruz.
And how do these people (not to mention so many other "christians" on Fox or talk radio etc deal with what Francis is so clearly voicing? Almost universally, they ignore it and attempt to divert attention as Donohue has done. "The liberals and their media are spinning what Francis is saying and lying about who Francis is. He's not on the liberals' side. He isn't in favor, like liberals are, of killing millions and millions of unborn babies. Liberals are lying and playing politics". (I'm paraphrasing but that's how he plays this and that's how the other play it too). A common claim is that Francis has been "hoodwinked" by lefties and leftwing media.
These are despicable individuals with a despicable ideology.