From Pew Global Polling...
Quote:America’s overall image around the world remains largely positive. Across the nations surveyed (excluding the U.S.), a median of 69% hold a favorable opinion of the U.S., while just 24% express an unfavorable view.
If one were to line up quotes from the GOP candidates, you wouldn't find even the slightest nod to such statistics. The portrayal is something like the opposite (Trump is the worst of this bad lot).
But that's the way conservatives now play the game. And if you could manage to have them actually face this stat and admit to other nations' positive regard for the US presently under this administration, their response would change to, "Who cares what European or Canadian socialist nations think". Just recall how Rumsfeld, when confronted with broad European disagreement with Bush war policy, began referring to "Old Europe" and "New Europe".
But that's how modern conservatism rolls: Never admit you were wrong. Reject honest reflection and discussion and, instead, turn to louder volume shouting and insult. Concentrate on presentation of an image and forego actual, workable policy. Obstruct, always obstruct.
I've argued elsewhere that modern conservatism and its media voices and now the GOP itself are best understood as being very much like an online troll. That's really what Limbaugh and Coulter are, isn't it? But it is now what the GOP itself has become.