Hi bethie
I confess that I hold something like a similar regard for Pierre Trudeau (by the by, pretty damned spiffy election result, was it not). Not sure if you might have read Will Bunch's "Tear Down That Myth" (on Norquist's myth-building strategies re Reagan) but it is highly explanatory here in the specific case of Reagan.
Here's a wonderful story. A friend of a friend who runs a car dealership up here called and asked if I'd help out for a while as a client shuttle driver and I thought that might be interesting. A month ago, I bumped into an older fellow who'd been a pilot all his life and he'd flown Canada's first Hercules C130 from the US back up here. He went down to Boston (if I recall correctly) but the delivery flight was delayed for some while because Diefenbaker's cheque for the plane bounced.