Holy sh.it.
This thread got a HUGE dose of Viagra somewhere and I was not on the receiving end!
It went from Jesus, to Santa , to Lesbian love.. hehehe.. ( kidding.just get a room )

to near death?
> sigh <
I saw a few things that made me say ... wtf?
Like someone saying that Wicca is a derivitave of Christianity?
That makes absoultly no sence to me. Maybe sometime an elaboration may be posted? Witchcraft/ Wicca etc... has nothing to do with christianity and involves many diffrent aspects that the christian church never even acknowledges about goddess/god, spirituality etc..
THEN I saw some santa bashing. hehehe..
Santa can take his coal and shove it up his big red fuzzy fat flying raindeer ..... _______!

( I just had to add some bashing )
And near death experiences? Well.. brain wave patterning is something that can be shown... but as for what is seen during that ' time ' can not.
You can not see what someone is technically ' dreaming'. The power of suggestion is something that can never be removed from someone. Meaning, if I prep you for a test, and I keep telling you that I am looking for a certain responce, by my suggestion, the odds are in my favor of getting that exact responce.
For years people have heard others talk about what ' happened in thier NDE' basically creating a suggested outline for a ND experience. I am not in any way DISMISSING the experiences. I am just stating why I de-bunk the thought of a NDE being a type of physical proof. I still stand by the statement I made before.
There is no proof of anything until you die. Since noone had died and lived to tell about it... we have no clue, just faith and personal choices in our concept of the afterlife.