shewolf: Yup, Old Testament= screwed up. Incidentally, Moses is of the Old Testament, you know, the stuff that happened before Jesus was born. Which is why I thought it quite humorous when you referred to Jesus setting bears on Moses. Just a funny incidental

(I don't think you actually meant it).
donohue: If you accept that the end of existence is inevitably and incontravertably 'nothingness', then you are as guilty of blinkering yourself as those who refuse to question their religion's veracity. The truth is you simply don't
know, none of us do. We hold beliefs and precepts, some of us are even willing to die for them. In the end, however, we could all be wrong. It's that eternal question "What if" that drives us to seek answers, through scientific theory or intuitive faith, and it is also that which prevents us (as a race) from ever being absolutely sure of them when we find them.
For some religion contains all the answers they require. Others will turn to science. Some, like myself, prefer to keep their minds open to all possibilities.