The 21st of December

This was traditionally the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle; but not in the Catholic Church any more. There it is July 3rd
During the Middleages this was the day when Christmas peace started and lasted until 7th or 13th of January. During this time any criminal act was doubled punished.
Christmas was "blown in" This tradition is still alive some places. Walter has just told us about it from where he lives.
It was also the time to put up "julstång" a small firtree where the lower branches were cut off and put on the stairs to house and the rest was put up as decoration by the house.
Christmas beer was finished . In Norway one gave beer to be tasted to the neighbout or even went long ways to taste one anothers beer.
It was a day of markets and fairs and as Christmas had started all work should haave been done by now.