Playing Politics with Terror Alerts

Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 12:08 pm
Geez! When you look at like that it almost makes it appear as though stuff happens every day of the year!

Um, stuff DOES happen every day of the year. It's just that bad stuff about the Bush admin in the news always seems to trigger a terror alert soon afterwards.

The dots appear to form the shape of a functioning government. What do they make for you?

A nice picture of an administration that realizes how important the media is, and makes sure they have other things to talk about rather than their failings. If that's how you think government should function I guess I can see where you would get this. To me, it is the absolutely wrong way to go about things.

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Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 12:34 pm
I guess it's called paranoia for a reason.
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Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 12:41 pm
McGentrix wrote:
I guess it's called paranoia for a reason.

That's exactly what they want you to believe!
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Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 01:06 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
I guess it's called paranoia for a reason.

That's exactly what they want you to believe!

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Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2004 11:25 am
A comparison of Bush's approval ratings vs. terror alerts:



from the artice:
There are few things that are quite evident from the chart:

- Whenever his ratings dip, there's a new terror alert.

- Every terror alert is followed by a slight uptick of Bush approval ratings.

- Whenever there are many unfavorable headlines, there's another alert or announcement (distraction effect).

- As we approach the 2004 elections, the number and frequency of terror alerts keeps growing, to the point that they collapse in the graphic. At the same time, Bush ratings are lower than ever.

Certainly seems to be a correlation to ME....

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Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2004 08:46 pm
We are in a war people! They have been at war with us for a very long time. Right now we are in the fight of our lives. All you guys can do is put little scenarios together to fuel your passion of hate against Bush.

This is not any way to fight a war! You have to realize your enemy is not the Administration, it is the terrorists. It is amazing that you all would even conceive the notion that Bush is fighting the war according to the election. It is evident that the work we have done the past three years have been the most affective 3 years in history.

There were 8 nations that support terrorism before 9-11. Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, N Korea and Afghanistan.

Now look at the list and you can say we have 5 left. 2 of which are fighting hard for their freedom alongside us. 1 rolled over, the only reason is because of the taking down of Saddam.

2 are not friends but are realizing that the deals with the devils they made are coming back to bite them in the ass. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

N Korea needs to be dealt with thru China. What do you think Colin Powell was doing in Asia? Eating out Chinese? On vacation? Syria and Iran are on notice and don't believe just because you don't hear everything on the nightly news that NOTHING is being done. It's a tall order. So give a little slack and look at what we have done in 3 years time. Pretty impressive if you ask me.
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ebrown p
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2004 10:17 pm
We don't have to choose between the terrorists and the administration. They both have harmed my country. I wish they would both go away.

The past three years have been disastrous for US (and quite good for the terrorists). One of the primary goals of the Islamic terrorists who are responsible for the 9/11 attack is to get rid of the secular regimes in the Middle East. Saddam was just one of these secular leaders, and we did the job for them. Now the religious Islamic militants in Iraq, who the terrorists support, have a real shot at real power.

Meanwhile the debacles in Iraq, especially the prison scandles but also the deaths have been a priceless propaganda source for our real number one enemy - Bin Ladin. All credible sources say that recruitment to his terror group is up. Incidently while we have been dealing with the mess in Iraq, Bin Ladin remains at large.

Finally, have you read that Iran and N Korea are both starting up their nuclear programs now. Do you think this is a coincidence? Do you think it is a sign of US strength? It isn't.

Iran and N Korea know that the US is in no position to launch another military campaign. It doesn't have the domestic or international support, nor does it have the troops or material resurces. This leaves them a lot of leeway to push their own interests in spite of US objections. They are feeling quite empowered and their actions ahow this.

This "We are in a war" crap is simplistic bullshist. You expect Americans to give up civil rights freely and allow themselves to be yanked around blindly with colors and vauge threats.

Bush has damaged this country domestically and internationally and deserves the hatred of any patriotic American.
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Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2004 03:11 pm
It is evident that the work we have done the past three years have been the most affective 3 years in history.

Um, no. They have not. By any strech of the imagination.

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Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2004 07:01 pm
The direction we are going is the right direction. I get the impression that some of you have sympathy for anyone who might get in the USAs way. We will not back down and we will not give up. This blame America first goes just so far. Hard core Islamists have reason to worry these days. And after Bush is re-elected they will have no place to run.
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Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2004 07:21 pm
After Bush gets re-elected we will be well on the way to a totalitarian state, wasting our resources on wild adventures that only shores up the resolve and ranks of our enemies.
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Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2004 09:15 am
You people kill me, literally! Our enemies were our enemies before 9-11 and they don't care about you political, social or religious views on anything. We are fighting full force in places all over the globe to take down the enemy. You are too wrapped up in you ideologies and your back seat driving to actually see that we will either fight them head on or wait until another attack and then try to respond.

No going back, not to a time where we lived in a world with a false sense of security.. Never again should we sit and wait until we are attacked even worse. You have to have them on the run, and with our allies help (shady allies, but allies never the less) we are disrupting many of their operations and taking down many of the operatives... Good Work, you should be patting GWB on the back instead of sticking a knife in it.

Welcome to the Terrorism Research Center, Inc.

Founded in 1996, the Terrorism Research Center, Inc. (TRC) is an independent institute dedicated to the research of terrorism, information warfare and security, critical infrastructure protection, homeland security, and other issues of low-intensity political violence and gray-area phenomena. The TRC represents a new generation of terrorism and security analysis, combining expertise with technology to maximize the scope, depth and impact of our research for practical implementation.

This site is the on-line portal to our terrorism knowledgebase (operating with the domains www.terrorism.com and www.homelandsecurity.com), a dynamic relational database of public domain and proprietary content. Navigate the site by either selecting the area of interest from the navigation bar or by searching for specific keywords.

Current Nationwide Threat Condition: ELEVATED

Jordan will bring official charges this week against 17 militants suspected of links to al-Qaeda ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in connection with a plot to launch a massive chemical attack, security sources said Sunday. They said the state security court was expected in the next few days to lay out the case against ring leader Azmi Jayousi and sixteen other militants, including six Syrians. The 17 include four militants killed in clashes with the security forces before the plot was thwarted in April. Nine of the suspects are in police custody and four will be tried in absentia, including Zarqawi himself.Full Story

Go Jordan!

Security forces launched a huge crackdown in Pakistan yesterday after a group claiming links with al-Qa'ida said it had staged Friday's failed assassination attempt on the prime minister-designate, Shaukat Aziz. There are growing fears that the suicide bombing may be the start of a full-scale al-Qa'ida campaign against General Pervez Musharraf's regime. The information minister, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, said several people had been arrested over the assassination attempt that left at least five people dead, including Mr Aziz's driver. But in a sign of how few clues the authorities have, there were reports that a tailor from the nearby town of Attock had been detained because the suicide bomber's remains included tattered strips of clothing with a label from his shop.Full Story
Posted by: ethrush on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 11:46 PM EST

Pakistani authorities have arrested several al-Qaida suspects in recent days, believed to be linked to others in custody who provided intelligence leading to the arrest of a key fugitive and Washington's issuing a terror attack warning, officials said Tuesday. Among those arrested was Raja Waqar, a policeman assigned to the office of Punjab province's top politician. Waqar is suspected of informing al-Qaida-linked groups about the whereabouts of top government officials, a high-ranking intelligence official in the eastern city of Lahore told The Associated Press. Another detainee identified himself as Juma Ibrahim, a Syrian. He was arrested Sunday at a bus station in Hafizabad, a town near Lahore, and was turned over to Pakistan's spy agency, said district police chief Aslam Ghauri.Full Story
Posted by: ethrush on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 11:41 PM EST

Go Pakistan!
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ebrown p
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2004 09:34 am

1) No one is killing you.

2) Saying our enemies don't care about our "political, social or religious views on anything" is silly. Why are they our "enemies" then?

3) I don't want to stick a knife in Bush's back. I certainly don't want to pat him in the back.

I just want to see the idiot out of the White House. I will be happy enough with that.
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Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2004 09:57 am
Laughing According to Bush, the U.S. wishes to harm itself and he intends on continuing to follow up on that.
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 06:21 am
Lightwizard wrote:
Laughing According to Bush, the U.S. wishes to harm itself and he intends on continuing to follow up on that.

According to Bush? Are you for real?

I don't know about you guys, but, your taking this war much too lightly. I have been following Iraq and Saddam since the first Gulf war. I was completly against "containment". It was one of the most failed policies of the 20th Century. You don't keep people like that in a box. It is only now that we know the true reason the "world community" wanted to contain Saddam. It was way to profitable for them. Recommended reading,

Inside the Asylum, why the United Nations and Old Europe is worse than you think. by Jeb Baddin.

Study of Revenge .Saddams unfinished war against America
by Lorie Mylroie

I helped in the evacuation of the 1st WTC bombing. We thought it was a transformer fire until the FBI showed up. That's when you realize that every minute you are in danger of the possibility of a secondary device going off around you. It took hours to evacuate, school children were stuck in the elevators for hours. People decended from 100's of flights of stairs, their faces covered in thick black soot. Pregnant women, ill or disabled had to be carried. It was not a good situation. It was just another attack that most the nation forgot about or didn't even feel affected by it. I live in NYC, I work close to the FDNY. We lived in a false state of security during the 90s. We thought our govt was doing all it could to keep us safe. We were wrong.

I voted for Clinton and then Gore. I decided to give Bush a chance after the chad fiasco. It was an embarressment. I would have felt it was valid to count votes only if they did it in every state and every county. They didn't, they wanted to make only certain parts of Florida the issue. The was not in anyones best interest.

After 9-11, those people stuck in elevators had no chance. Burning jet fuel poured down on top of them. The fireball blew out elevator doors on the floors below and the lobby. Those people didn't have a chance. The ones that jumped from the 80th, 90th floors didn't just kill themselves, they killed the people they fell on. The blood and parts splattering the mezz and lobby windows. The pit burned and spewed a black cocktail of every possible chemical you can think of when you think of a 100+ office bldg. It melted and smoked for MONTHS! I had to cross a bridge to get to work and you didn't know if the bridge was the next target or if the bridge would be there when you got off. For MONTHS, the fire dept recd calls for "smoke in the area" whenever the wind changed direction from blowing over Brooklyn to blowing over Staten Island. The FDNY lost 343 firefighters that day. Many more are unable to work now. Most of our apparatus was destroyed and had to be supplied by the companies from NJ and Long Island. It was an amazing thing how everyone pulled together to keep the fire coverage suficient for a city like NY.

What I am saying is we were hated before Iraq and the threats are real. If you fall for all the arguements that the "reasons" they hate us is because of Israel or Iraq or whatever you are falling into the trap. They don't truly care about any of those things. It is a good way to gain sympathy and confusion as to what to do about the "Arab" problem. It takes us off our focus. They are united and we are not. That is DANGEROUS, and thats why is refer to your attacks on what Bush is doing or not taking this seriously is DEADLY!

This thread deals with the threats and the warnings happening now! I don't want to debate all this other crap. We should be sharing with each other the targets in your cities and the news regarding our fight on terror today, not a year ago. We are fighting abroad because there is no other option. It is something that we should have been doing all along. We have to work with our Arab allies.

I don't know how much you guys keep up with the news, but if you haven't noticed we ARE working with France and Germany on the terror cells and the threats that we deal with everyday. They weren't with us in Iraq, BECAUSE of their own interest in keeping Saddam in power. Bush has not turned his back on them, they turned their backs on us. They are still sharing info and working with us on the "war". That is not brought up alot in theses forums... You all should recognize the reasons for the build up to the war, the reasons certain countries weren't with us and you must realize fighting between ourselves in not helpful!!!

Thanks for listening...
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 07:07 am
I take this war very personally. I want the idiot out of the White House before he starts another just like it.
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 07:23 am
Welcome to the "Yenta Room" where all loyal Americans seek to "get that idiot out of the White House" and explain that in time of war the place for all patriots is right here second guessing and criticising in minute detail every little thing our administration and our Coalition of over 65 countries is doing to protect our freedom of speech and world peace. Be careful not to besmirch Arab people or Muslims or the ACLU will shut us down.
Say Hello to Xena later. (She's pissed right now.)
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ebrown p
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 07:55 am
There's no second guessing here.

Bush is definately an Idiot. The war in Iraq is definately a disaster. We definately want to kick this pathetic little smirking bastard out of the White House before he does any more damage to my country.

I know Xena is hysterical right now, but when do you think is a good time to tell her that Iraq never attacked America?

(Also by the way the ACLU protects your right to "besmirch" anyone you want. You can yell racist epithets if you want make hysterical charges and write anything you want. We will stick up for you.)
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 10:06 am
Xena Wrote:
I was completly against "containment". It was one of the most failed policies of the 20th Century.

Yeah, no. It certainly wasn't preemption that kept the peace the last fifty years. Do you know anything about history at all?

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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 11:37 am
Hate Bush, hate Bush. You guys are the ones who are clueless.

It is sad how little you all know. I suppose the 12 years of resolutions, and Saddams financing and harboring of terrorists doesn't make any difference to any of you. Talk about being ignorant, blind and misinformed. You are people are just as much a threat to our national security by not realizing that Iraq was probably the most important step in the war on terror. It is amazing how little news you all absorb. It is amazing you all still are in denial about the reasons certain countries were against us and why some are. Never mind, truth and justice mean nothing to you. Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Kennedy and the rest cried for years about Saddam. All of a sudden it's Bush that lied? Talk about being brain dead... I feel sorry for you, and for everyone if Kerry ever gets elected.

BTW, NO Way will he get elected. His lies span a 30 yr period. How long can the media ignore all his deceit and his true motives? He can't wait to reduce our military and depend on the UN to give the green light to act on natonal security threats. Kerry's a tool of the Left. You can't care about life and liberty if you wish to hide your heads in the sand when it comes to bringing the fight to the enemy. Our enemies are the enemies of Liberty. The courts and the media fight us every chance they get. The Albany arrests were immediately turned into a recial profiling matter. Anything this Administration does is not going to win any atta-boys from you hacks. The last thing we need is to turn our national security over to a bunch of theives and crooks, the UN.

You people are dangerous! Yes, dangerous thinking. To hate Bush so much for doing the same thing any President would have done in the same situation, is showing how small minded some people can be.
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 11:42 am
Our enemies are the enemies of Liberty. The courts and the media fight us every chance they get.

Not to be insulting, but you are sounding a little paranoid here. Exactly who is the media fighting? What do the courts have to do with this?

You people are dangerous! Yes, dangerous thinking.

Only enemies of freedom seek to stifle discussion amongst free people, no matter what the topic covers. Think about that.

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