Sun 1 Aug, 2004 06:13 pm
Ridge, today:
Quote:But we must understand that the kind of information available to us today is the result of the president's leadership in the war against terror, the reports that have led to this alert are the result of offensive intelligence and military operations overseas, as well as strong partnerships with our allies around the world, such as Pakistan.
ridge needs to attend more of ashchroft's prayer meetings, The End Is Near!!!!!
I do feel safer because there have been arrests of cells operating in the US. We have been able to do these things because of an offensive stance on intelligence. I'm sure there has also been help due to the Patriot Act
The apprehension level seems to be about the same as with the Clinton administration. They did as well, in short, without issuing alerts every time they needed a boost in the polls.
In Oz we received fridge magnets from the govermnent telling us to "be alert but not alarmed"!
Very handy, they were! And, of course, we then felt confident that the government had terrorism under control!
Clearly a play with politics.
dyslexia wrote:The End Is Near!!!!!
hopefully for Bush/Cheney. But I guess they have a stronger lobby than Kerry...
Why should I feel safer? Because Bush is stripping us of Constitutional rights of illegal search and seisure with the excuse of terrorism? Because I cannot get on an airplane with nail clippers with a tiny file attached? Get real!!
An immigrant friend of mine, from India, came here for further education and work. In his country, it is very overpopulated and public transportation is widely used. He didn't even know how to drive a car and did not object to a bus, like we do. He was removed, from a bus, coming home from work. He was held, with questioning, with no probable cause that he has anything to do with terrorist activity at all.
I honestly have doubts that our own country didn't have something to do with this 9/11 attack. Look at the rights that have been stripped of all, since then. This is not right that my friend was removed from a public bus trying to get home from work because of his race alone and being detained, for hours at a police station and questioned.
Most of the time, we freely give up our rights, out of fear of something and let government have it. This time, it has gone way too far. I see nothing wrong with our laws and ability to get on an airplane before 9/11. I think only those with good reason should ever be investigated, not someone of a particular race removed from a bus and detained, at a police station with several hours of questioning.
I am a bit sick of the length of time it takes to get on an airplane and such restrictions today. This is out of control. I have yet to hear a valid explanation for the invasion of Iraq. I believed in the cause as worthy, ending terrorism and having no tolerance at all. What it has turned out to be is something very different that I cannot agree with and am still waiting for something beyond 'faulty intelligence' to explain why our tax dollars are being spent on this war and years of occupation.
Something about this just does not add up right to me. It smells like big government taking our rights, out of fear from people, for our own good and protection. A am a grown up. I don't need my Mommy any more. I don't need government invasion, with a bad excuse of terrorism.
If a terrorist attack is going to occur, there really is very little, if anything that can be predicted or prevented. I would stop taking showers, if I thought this logic was correct. Some people do fall, smashing their head, and die, just taking a shower. A very good friend of mine died this very way, but I will risk it. I take showers.
If I happen to fall and crack my head open, to the point of death, I am willing to go with the odds, which are much in my favor. I should stop driving my car, just in case. The odds of that are even higher, of my death. I bet more people died with slip/fall accidents taking a shower than ever died, in this country from terrorist activity.
Why should I live in fear allowing government to interfere with my rights, as an American? I refuse to accept this entire deal given to us. The odds that any one of us will die, as a result of terrorism are so slim, it isn't worth worrying about.
This current terror alert is so specific, I'm not ready to say that it is politically motivated. If a plot against financial institutions was in the works, or about to be launched, then increasing the degree of alert, and heightening security, makes a lot of sense.
Unlike some of the previous alerts, the specificity of this one almost mandated that it be made public. The heightened security is going to affect traffic and travel into certain areas. It will be highly visible, and you have to let the public know what is going on.
Also, once you expose a plot, you hopefully decrease the likelihood that an attack will occur.
Of course, there is always the risk that this alleged plot is really a ruse, and that, while police are concentrated in one area, searching for truck bombs, an attack of an entirely different nature will be launched elsewhere in the city.
I am not sure why terror warnings are seen as a political plus for Bush. I think they remind us that we are no more safe than we were on 9/11, and that this administration has not done all they could do to deal with terrorism on our own soil. Our ports are not protected, our water and food supplies are not protected, our nuclear power plants are not better defended, etc. We are very vulnerable to all sorts of devastating attacks.
Terrorism may be a political football, but it is also, unfortunately, a very real threat.
Right now I am glad I don't work at the N.Y. Stock Exchange. I don't know how the people who do work at the financial institutions in question can just go about their business in a normal fashion. The stress level must be extremely high today.
Quote:I am a bit sick of the length of time it takes to get on an airplane and such restrictions today
Wildflower63, over 3,000 people died on 9/11 because our lousy airport security allowed four planes to be simultaneously hijacked. I'd rather put up with delays at the airport than see anything like that happen again.
At least "Countdown" on MSNBC took notice of the politicalization of the threat. It was their lead story tonight... questioning whether it was a political move.
IF it was about a threat that the American people needed to know about, WHY include the political ad for Bush? The text of the announcement is here:
CLEARLY this was made political and turned into free air time for Bush. No funds had to be spent on ceommercials OR a spokesperson. Ridge did it for him.
One other point, on MSNBC's report they noted that AFTER the press conference yesterday it was "leaked" to the press that the specific threat information may be as much as three years old and NOT something current as would be had from "chatter" or intercepted phone calls.
People keep talking about how our freedoms are being taken away but I haven't seen any proof of this and in the several boards I have been on no one has been able to provide any proof of this. I think it is a scare tactic used by those that don't like the current administration.
Please, please oh dear God please provide some proof that our freedoms have been taken away. I would like some examples of how our fellow Americans have been harmed and other wise imprisoned due to the Patriot Act!
Baldimo wrote:People keep talking about how our freedoms are being taken away but I haven't seen any proof of this and in the several boards I have been on no one has been able to provide any proof of this. I think it is a scare tactic used by those that don't like the current administration.
Please, please oh dear God please provide some proof that our freedoms have been taken away. I would like some examples of how our fellow Americans have been harmed and other wise imprisoned due to the Patriot Act!
Well, here's one group that have had previous liberties taken away... But unfortunately they aren't exactly the most innocent group...
However, it was once a highly held liberty, at least among some people in the Pacific Northwest. Now, it is the business of organized crime... Mom and Pop can't just bring in a little something for their own personal recreational purposes; no, Big Brother bought gamma ray scanners and search planes and all kinds of fancy stuff to search for terrorists, but a by-product of that has been pot smugglers. Yes, it was illegal, and potentially an act which could bring about imprisonment, but for most little guys, it wasn't much of a big deal... No bigger than gin running back in the '30s. It's taken away some freedom, for sure. The only thing is, perhaps that wasn't technically a freedom since it was illegal... But it had been overlooked in a manner that made users think what they were doing was practically legal, so when the patrol measures tightened up, they saw it as taking away freedoms they had previously enjoyed.
Re: Playing Politics with Terror Alerts
PDiddie wrote:Ridge, today:
Quote:But we must understand that the kind of information available to us today is the result of the president's leadership in the war against terror, the reports that have led to this alert are the result of offensive intelligence and military operations overseas, as well as strong partnerships with our allies around the world, such as Pakistan.
I don't like the feeling that it's all political. What I am wondering is if it isn't going to dull the public's internal alarms... You hear about it all the time, with no terrorists striking, then you think it's all b.s. Don't you think that is the likely outcome of all these warnings?
The likely outcome is a desperate attempt at a terrorist attack, on Nov. 2nd, that is foiled by Bush and Cheney PERSONALLY in a bizarre twist of fate involving a small child and an elderly black lady.
That ought to cover all their bases.
So what you are all saying is that we'd be better off with Kerry because he simply wouldn't relay the known terrorism threats to the public? That way, you'll never have a chance, or a choice, to not be vaporized. You'll never see it coming, and never know what hit you.
No, he just wouldn't act as if the world was going to end every time it is politically convienent to do so. You could have a news conference on the first of the month that would do the same thing. The current admin has made it pretty clear that they are willing to use old/bad/unsubstantiated evidence and present it as good evidence (Iraq, anyone?), reducing the effectiveness of the system re: informing people severely - the fact that announcements are a huge media event is not lost on admin strategists, I guarantee you.