FBM wrote:
Going back centuries to solve today's problems. Good idea. Because, y'know, nothing changes over time, and there's no such thing as regional or cultural differences. Let's just build a giant wooden horse, put some soldiers inside and give it to ISIS. Or put some smallpox on some blankets and hand them out. Or let's just do Vietnam again. One solution from history is as good as any other, eh? There's no way that yet another new breed of terrorists will arise in the region or the religion, full of resentment towards foreign powers, right?
Generals that fight the last war tend to lose. Gotta keep up with the times.
And this is the basis of your apparent argument that the West should just take these terrorist attacks in stride while they simultaneously mend their evil ways in the region.
Yes, if our response to these attacks continues to be hampered by the political influence of people such as yourself and feckless leaders like Obama we will leave the region ripe for the rise of yet another terrorist group to take the place of the one we temporarily defeated, but there's really no need to fear such a result since our leaders lack the will to defeat the present group of terrorists.
By all means, let's withdraw from the rest of the world or better still let us only be involved in ways which all of the locals approve: We give them money and they give us nothing in return.
I truly wish we could just withdraw from global politics and let all the assholes and murderers kill each other off, but the reality is that eventually one of the assholes will rise to the top of the heap and they will not be content with ruling the lands they have conquered. History has shown that they never, ever are. So we can "interfere" and fight them now or wait until they have consolidated their power and fight them later.
You seem to think that nations if just left alone will all eventually find their way to democratic peacefulness.
More sophisticated thinking.